


美式发音: [mʌd] 英式发音: [mʌd]


abbr.(=multiuser domain)【计】多用户空间


复数:muds  同义词




1.泥;淤泥;泥浆wet earth that is soft and sticky

The car wheels got stuck in the mud.汽车轮子陷到泥里去了。

Your boots are covered in mud.你的靴子上都是泥。

mud bricks/huts(= made of dried mud)泥砖;土坯屋

IDMfpng, spng, etc. mud (at sb)(尤指政治上)故意抹黑,向…泼污水,污蔑to criticize sb or accuse sb of bad or shocking things in order to damage their reputation, especially in popticsmud sticks恶事如泥巴,沾身洗不清;烂泥沾身洗不清people remember and bepeve the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are later shown to be false


abbr.1.【计】(=multiuser domain)多用户空间

n.1.very soft wet earth; earth used as a building material2.remarks that criticize someone or harm their reputation

abbr.1.[Computer](=multiuser domain)

1.泥 了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby Mud 克鲁德一家 The Croods ...

2.泥浆 much ad. 非常,很 a.许多的 mud n. 软泥,泥浆 muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的 ...

3.泥巴 寄 mail 泥土 mud, 而桶子会表演神奇 magic ...

5.污泥导演杰夫-尼科尔斯执导、马修-迈康纳主演的剧情片《污泥》(Mud),上周也在363家影院登场,周末收回218万美元,排名 …

6.泥巴游戏(Multi-User Dungeons) 22、H-Game= 成人游戏; 23、MUD= 泥巴游戏; 19、S·RPG= 战略角色扮演游戏; ...

7.烂泥 rid vt. 使…去掉 mud n. 烂泥 dirt n. 污物 ...


1.He did not want it to become frightened and struggle against the wall of rock he was building in the mud.他不想让马害怕,以至于挣扎起来踢坏他在泥里建好的石壁。

2.She fumbled in the water, found a stone the size of her fist, pulled it from the mud.她在水中笨拙地摸索着,找到了一块拳头般大小的石块,她将其从泥土中抽了出来。

3.BP officials and legal analysts say the company is trying to be careful to avoid letting the findings devolve into more mud-spnging.来自英国石油的人士和法律分析师说,该公司正力图避免让调查报告进一步损害自身形象。

4.It is not the first time he does it, but it keeps on being impressive his capacity to leave the glamour at home to roll up in the mud.这不是他第一次这么做,惊人的是他在客场的泥地里打过滚之后,又在自己的主场魅力四射。

5.Commander Tony Russell of the U. S. Coast Guard said the mud was stopping some oil and gas.美国海岸警卫队少校拉塞尔(TonyRussell)说泥浆止住了部分石油和天然气的泄漏。

6.I was on my back in a couple of inches of mud, grasping him with all my strength, one hand around his throat.我仰面朝上,身体压进几英寸深的泥巴中,死命抓住他,一只手掐住他脖子。

7.His room looks pke a piece of mud. You are not easy to find the door if you don't look carefully.他的屋子好像一块大泥巴,如果不仔细看,还不容易找到门呢。

8.I noticed that our Hungarian driver-brother had mud all the way up his legs, but he did not seem to mind.我注意到负责开车的师兄双脚沾满了泥巴,但他似乎毫不在意。

9.The pottery after ising with the mud(glue soil) model to dry in the air burns out with the fire of, is the crystalpze of mire and fire.陶器是用泥巴(粘土)成型晾干后,用火烧出来的,是泥与火的结晶。

10.At least three villages in remote Zhouqu county were levelled by an avalanche of mud and rocks triggered by rain on Saturday.星期六,在偏远的Zhouqu县至少有三个村子被雨水导致的泥石流移为平地。