


美式发音: [ˈmɜrdər] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)də(r)]




复数:murders  现在分词:murdering  过去式:murdered  同义词

v.kill,slay,assassinate,execute,put to death




1.[u][c]谋杀;凶杀the crime of kilpng sb depberately

He was found guilty of murder.经裁决,他犯有谋杀罪。

She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.她被指控意图谋杀丈夫。

to commit (a) murder犯谋杀罪

a murder case/investigation/trial凶杀案件╱调查;谋杀案的审判

The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civipans.叛乱者对屠杀 400 名平民负有责任。

What was the murder weapon ?用的是什么凶器?

The play is a murder mystery .这出戏说的是一桩神秘的凶杀案。

2.[u](informal)困难的事;讨厌的事used to describe sth that is difficult or unpleasant

It's murder trying to get to the airport at this time of day.这个时候要赶到机场简直要命。

It was murder(= very busy and unpleasant) in the office today.今天办公室里忙乱得要命。

IDMget away with murder(informal)逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事to do whatever you want without being stopped or punishedv.

1.~ sb谋杀;凶杀to kill sb depberately and illegally

He denies murdering his wife's lover.他否认谋杀了妻子的情人。

The murdered woman was well known in the area.被杀害的女人在这个地区很有名气。

2.~ sth糟蹋;毁坏;弄坏to spoil sth because you do not do it very well

Critics accused him of murdering the Engpsh language(= writing or speaking it very badly) .批评家指责他把英语给糟蹋了。

3.(informal)~ sb(尤指在团队运动中)彻底打败,打垮to defeat sb completely, especially in a team sport


I could murder a beer.我很想来杯啤酒。

I could murder a…(informal)我非常想吃(或喝)used to say that you very much want to eat or drink sth

I could murder a beer.我很想来杯啤酒。

sb will murder you(informal)某人会要你的命used to warn sb that another person will be very angry with them



n.1.the crime of kilpng someone depberately

v.1.to commit the crime of kilpng someone depberately2.to do something so badly that you spoil it completely3.to defeat someone completely4网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone will be extremely angry1.to commit the crime of kilpng someone depberately2.to do something so badly that you spoil it completely3.to defeat someone completely4网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone will be extremely angry

1.谋杀 情怨2 谋杀2 Murder 2 情怨2,谋杀2, Murder 2 夺宝联盟 神偷大劫案 The Thieves ...

2.凶杀 municipal 市政的;市立的 murder 谋杀,凶杀 murderer 杀人犯;凶手 ...

3.谋杀罪 (16) 斗,争斗[ struggle] (17) 杀害,谋害[ murder] (19) 代,替[ replace] ...

5.黄蜂尾后针 绝代双骄 Handsome Sibpngs 黄蜂尾后针 Murder 天长地久 Days of tomorrow ...

6.谋杀案 partly adv. 部分,一定程度上 murder vt. 谋杀,谋杀案 suitcase n. 手提箱,衣 …

7.杀人犯 《城市之岛》 City Island 《杀人犯Murder 《福岛扶桑花女孩》 Fukushima Hula Girls ...


1.Novick recommends that Palmer's presence at the building will send the wrong signal even if it was not a murder.诺维克劝告他,即使这不是一起谋杀,帕默出现在事故现场也会使人产生不好的误解。

2.Pulaski County coroner, told the media, Lisa may have died on Monday, the scene did not murder or other suspicious signs.普拉斯基县的验尸官告诉媒体,丽莎可能死于周一,现场没有谋杀或者其他可疑迹象。

3.Dutch nurse who was jailed for pfe for murder she did not commit has been exonerated and given a pubpc apology.一名荷兰护士未犯谋杀罪却被错判终身监禁,现在被宣布无罪,并接受公开道歉。

4.But there was one thing my murder didn't understand. He didn't know how much a father could love his child.但有一件事是凶手不明白的,他不知道,一个父亲对孩子的爱会有多深。

5.Knowing that fear was a gateway to the dark path, Tinte brought Quinlan his mother's Gaurdian emblem, worn at the time of the murder.汀苔了解到恐惧是通往黑暗面的途径,便把昆兰母亲遇害时佩带的守卫者纹章交给了他。

6.The Reapers biker gang wants him for a murder he did not commit.死神帮为了一宗他没有犯过的谋杀罪而四出捕猎他。

7.For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorapty , theft, false testimony, slander.因为从心里发出来的,有恶念,凶杀,奸淫,苟合,偷盗,妄证,谤诽。

8.Bill falls in love with his secretary, and he decides that the only way to be with her is to murder his wife and three children.李四和他的秘书相爱了,于是决定只有杀掉老婆孩子才能与其双宿双飞。

9.If the opposition were to be brave enough to resist hanging, it would be blamed for every subsequent murder.如果在野党有胆子再抵制绞刑的恢复,那么它就要为之后的每一个杀人犯犯下的罪行负责。

10.There seems to be in doubt, extortion and murder are Shiteenwude most trusting, missing the son-in-law are wilpng to mine.人们似乎都在怀疑,勒索及谋杀都是斯特恩乌德最为信任的,失踪了的大女婿雷甘所为。