






1.It will also surely be harder for the Murdochs, only a minority shareholder in News Corp, to run the company as a family fief.对于只是新闻集团小股东的默多克来说,运营这个像家族封底一样的公司无疑会更加困难。

2.At times the two Murdochs addressed the MPs as if they were a spghtly dim MBA class.有时,默多克父子跟议员们讲话的态度,就好像他们是一群有点迟钝的MBA学生。

3.Neither the board nor angry shareholders can get rid of the Murdochs. But the company would be better off with less feudal management.当然,董事会和愤怒的股东都不能脱离默多克的掌控,但是更开放的管理有助于公司的发展。

4.MARRYING into the most powerful media family on the planet, the Murdochs, certainly comes with a few fringe benefits.到了最强大的媒体在这个星球上的家庭结婚,在默多克家族,当然带有一些福利。

5.That was not enough to placate Britain's popticians, though, some of whom accused the Murdochs of willful ignorance.但是这还不够平息英国政客的怒气,他们有些人指控梅铎刻意无知。

6.That influence was all too evident in the session which preceded the questioning of the Murdochs, and in events elsewhere.这种影响在质询默多克之前召开的会议和其他事件中就已经很明显了。

7.Confirming this sense of imbalance, behind the Murdochs sat Joel Klein, their latest consigpere.坐在默多克身后的集团最新顾问乔尔•克莱恩(JoelKlein)更是证实了这种不平衡感。

8.Wendi Murdoch, the wife of the media magnate Rupert Murdoch, might host a private party at the Murdochs' courtyard home in Beijing.传媒巨头默多克的老婆,李文迪到时候也会为她在自己北京家的后院举办一个私人派对。

9.The only choice investors have is Rupert, James or a triumvirate of Murdochs.投资者的唯一选择就是鲁珀特、詹姆斯或默多克家族的三人领导。

10.Despite the sale of three Chinese TV channels, the Murdochs continue to spread their influence.尽管卖出了三个中国电视频道,默多克们的影响仍然在扩大。