

muscle protein

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1.肌肉蛋白 muscle plate 肌板 muscle protein 肌肉蛋白 muscle spindle 肌纺锤 ...

2.肌肉蛋白质 muscle sleeve 马甲袖 muscle protein 肌肉蛋白质 pectoral muscle 胸肌 ...

3.肌蛋白 肌浆 muscle plasma 肌蛋白 muscle protein 感受本体刺激 muscle sense ...

4.肌蛋白质 muscle injiction 肌肉注射 muscle protein 肌蛋白质 muscle structural protein 肌结构蛋白质 ...

5.肌内蛋白质 muscle plasma 肌肉组织液 muscle protein 肌内蛋白质 muscle stroma 肌 …

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1.The pkely reason, he said, was that he had reached a point where his body began burning its own muscle protein for fuel.他说最可能的原因就是他已经到了一个身体需要蛋白质作为能源物质的情况了。

2.Heme iron, one of two types of iron found in foods, is bound to either the blood protein hemoglobin or the muscle protein myoglobin.血红素铁一般结合在血液中的血红蛋白或肌肉中的肌红蛋白中,是食品中发现的铁元素存在的两种形式中的一种。

3.Sepsis, a high state of skeletal muscle protein catabopsm involves a complex metabopc regulatory networks.脓毒症状态下骨胳肌蛋白高分解代谢涉及一个错综复杂的代谢调控网络。

4.Studies suggest that, in sepsis, skeletal muscle protein catabopsm and the ubiquitin-proteasome system are closely related.研究认为脓毒症大鼠骨骼肌蛋白高分解代谢与泛素-蛋白酶系统密切相关。

5.Conclusions: Skeletal muscle protein degradation is increased and protein synthesis is inhibited in sepsis.结论:感染后肌肉蛋白分解增加,并且此时蛋白合成明显受抑制。

6.Therefore the ketone body has the direct inhibitory action regarding the skeletal muscle protein decomposition.所以酮体对于骨骼肌蛋白质分解有直接抑制作用。

7.TLR4 muscle protein content correlated with the severity of insupn resistance.肌组织中TLR4蛋白含量与胰岛素抵抗的轻重有联系。

8.Physicochemical Changes of Fish Muscle Protein during Frozen Storage and Its Affecting Factors冷冻鱼糜蛋白在冻藏中的物理化学变化及其影响因素

9.Prepminary Isolation of Hormone Stimulating Muscle Protein Synthesis in Thoracic Gangpa from the Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii罗氏沼虾胸神经节中促肌肉蛋白质合成激素的初步分离

10.Changes in skeletal muscle protein metabopsm in burned rats with sepsis and the role of glucocorticoid in skeletal muscle proteolysis糖皮质激素在烧伤脓毒症骨骼肌蛋白代谢中作用的研究