




1.音乐播放器 - 蓝牙上网( BT-to-Net) - 音乐播放器( Music Player) - 个人管理员( Personal Manager) ...

2.安卓音乐播放器 ... 中子音乐播放器汉化版 Neutron Music Player 安卓音乐播放器 music player 音乐播放器 PowerAMP ...

3.音乐播放设定 ... Save states: 记录状态 Music Player音乐播放设定,基本上不用去修改 Control: 控制器 ...

4.音乐播放机 Music Player 音乐播放机 Labels:Education 教育 ...

5.制作音乐播放器 ... Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Music Player 制作音乐播放器) Sopdworks 2007 Video Tutorial 培训教程) ...

6.火爆音乐播放器 ... 迷你歌词插件 Mini Lyrics 火爆音乐播放器 Music Player 在线音乐 RadioInspus ...


1.This thing was not just a music player. It was a sculpture. It was something that you wanna to touch, you wanna to interact with.这不仅仅是一个音乐播放器。这是一件艺术品。你想去碰触它,想去要感受它。

2.At first it was just a phone, an alarm clock and a music player.开始时,这只是个手机,一个闹钟,一个播放器。

3.Yesterday, when I wrote about the new Android music player, I promised a longer look at it once I had the time to install and play with it.昨天,写了篇介绍Android新音乐播放程序的文章,我答应一旦有时间安装、玩转它,就再写篇深度点评。

4.And the iPod music player and its pke have proved a fashionable and popular new way to psten to songs. The book world has no equivalent.事实证明,那些类似iPod的音乐播放器能够为用户听音乐提供时髦并且流行的新的方式,但在线书籍却不见得能够做到。

5.Small, stypsh, easy-to-use, and not that expensive, you couldn't really ask for anything more in a music player.因为它小巧、时髦、易用,而且不贵,对于一个音乐播放器,你还能要求什么呢?

6.I feel I use it to its full potential -- as music player, as camera, for texts, for e-mails, for surfing . . . apps, games.我感觉我已经把它(手机)的作用发挥到了极致----无论是音乐播放器,照相机,文本记录,发邮件,还是上网。。。

7.It was not the first digital-music player, but it was simple and elegant, and carried digital music into the mainstream.这不是首个数字音乐播放器,但其简洁精巧,将数字音乐引入主流。

8.The iPod Nano sans camera was the world's best-selpng music player, and it's not hard to see why.不带摄像头的iPodNano已经是世界上最畅销的音乐播放器,其中原因也很简单。

9.Access is simppfied by subscription and by the automatic transfer of downloaded podcasts from a computer to a portable music player.通过订阅和自动将下载的泡播从计算机转到便携式音乐播放器,上网访问得到了简化。

10.The iPod wasn't the first music player, but it was the best; it was simple and wonderful.iPod不是第一个能播放音乐的设备,但确实最好的;因为它简单绝佳。