


美式发音: [ˈmʌstæʃ] 英式发音: [məˈstɑːʃ]



复数:mustaches  同义词

n.mustachio,whiskers,walrus mustache,pencil mustache,handlebar mustache


mustache— see alsomoustache,moustached


n.1.Same as moustache2.the hair that a man can grow on his upper pp; a long thick mustache

1.胡子 眼睫毛: eyelash 胡子mustache 眉毛: eyebrow ...

2.小胡子 chin 下巴 mustache 小胡子 beard 山羊胡 ...

3.髭 hubby n. 丈夫 mustache n. , 胡子 annulment n. 废除, 取消, (法院对婚姻等)判决无效 ...

4.上唇上的小胡子 Pullover 套头毛衣 Moustache/mustache 上唇上的小胡子 turn left/right 左转/右 …

5.胡须 bushy: 浓密的 mustache: 胡须 neatly: 整齐的 ...

6.八字胡 ... Facial hair 胡须 Mustache 八字胡 Jaw 下巴 ...

7.上唇的小胡子 mustache 上唇的小胡子 bush;whiskers 指络腮胡子,俚语中用 ...


1.Dostum, a bear of a man with a thick black mustache, was as colorful as he was ruthless.杜斯塔姆长得虎背熊腰,留着浓密的胡须,他富有传奇色彩,同时也是个狠角儿,心跟胡子一样黑。

2.To illustrate my point even further, imagine a woman with a thick beard, mustache and a deep voice hitting on you at the bar.为了更进一步阐明我的观点,想象一下,有一个女人,蓄着浓密的山羊胡和小胡子,声音很粗,正在酒吧里对你打情骂俏。

3.And you think of him as nursing you. And then Saddam Hussein's serious mustache is a problem.然后,你也想到了惹了一身麻烦的萨达姆。

4.Then, while convalescing at a country hotel with his wife, he decided to shave, taking off his beard one day and his mustache the next.后来,同妻子一起在一家乡间旅店休养时,他决定不再留胡子。于是,他头一天剃掉了大胡子,第二天又刮掉了小胡子。

5.He is a man of from fifty to fifty-two years of age, dark, with black eyes covered with shaggy eyebrows, and a thick mustache.他是一个年约五十一二岁的人,棕褐色皮肤,蓬松的眉毛底下有一双黑色的眼睛,胡子又长又密。

6.To test his theory, he decided to do something drastic: he shaved off the left side of his mustache.为了证实这一点,他决定采取一些不同寻常的举动:剃掉左半边胡子。

7.Kybo Ren, as he was simply called, was a short, overweight human who was distinguished by his long, dangpng mustache and a small goatee.人们通常只叫他“凯博·伦”。这个又矮又胖的男人有着细长下垂的八字须,下巴上还长着一小撮山羊胡。

8.If he had deeper eye- sockets and a mustache, you would have mistaken him for Dzerzhinsky (founder of KGB) walking out of his grave.眼窝要是再深点、加上一撮胡须,你会误以为是KGB的头子则辛斯基从坟墓中走了出来。

9.And who was the old-fashioned man with the white mustache who came out your front door just as I was pulpng into my driveway?是谁的老式男子白胡子谁出来您的前门只是因为我拉了我的车道?

10.You're so close to the people sleeping next to you that you can feel the hair of their mustache on the side of your head.你是如此接近的人睡在你旁边,你可以感受到他们的胡子头发的一方你的头。