




1.增变基因 mutation|突变 mutator|增变基因;增变株 muton|突变子 ...

2.赋值 mutation|突变 mutator|增变基因;增变株 muton|突变子 ...


1.To implement mutator methods, the new LinkedList class serves as a container for an internal, immutable pst, as shown in Listing 5.为了执行可变的方法,新的LinkedList类作为一个内部不可变的链表的容器,如清单5所示。

2.Interrupted sex had happened all the time in his soup, but only when Ray turned off his "fpp-a-bit" mutator did he notice its results.在雷的培养基中,被中断的性一直在发生,但只有当他关闭“有点失去理智”的增变基因时,才注意到它的结果。

3.It then becomes easy to create setFoo property mutator methods that use the generated mutator methods under the hood.然后,就可以方便地创建setFoo属性mutator方法,它在幕后使用生成的mutator方法。

4.ActionForms are nothing but Java classes extending the Struts-provided ActionForm classes, which have accessor and mutator methods.ActionForms只是一些Java类而已,它继承了Struts所提供的ActionForm类,这些类中包含有accessor和mutator方法。

5.PerformanceTest. java: The performance benchmark code used to test mutator performance for this article.java:本文中用来测试变换性能的性能评测代码。

6.The double-dot operator invokes mutator methods to set values for each of the address attributes.双点运算符调用了mutator方法来设置每个地址属性的值。

7.Mutator methods are usually implementation-specific and are provided by additional interfaces.整流器(Mutator)方法通常是特别实现的并且是由附加的接口提供的。

8.This creates significant extra work for the mutator and garbage collector, but permits much shorter collection pauses.这为赋值函数(mutator)和垃圾收集器带来了大量的额外工作,但是可以得到更短的收集暂停。

9.Written by Kai Krause, the Texture Mutator lets ordinary computer owners breed textures from a choice of eight offspring every generation.由凯伊•克劳斯编写的“纹理变异体”软件可以让家用电脑从图案的每一世代的八个子代中选择一个来繁育纹理。

10.The mutator and garbage collector can work together to maintain a comprehensive pst of old-to-young references as they are created.赋值函数(mutator)和垃圾收集器可以共同工作以在创建老到年轻的引用时维护它们的完整列表。