


美式发音: [ˈmjut(ə)lˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːtɪleɪt]



第三人称单数:mutilates  现在分词:mutilating  过去式:mutilated  同义词




1.~ sb/sth使残废;使残缺不全;毁伤to damage sb's body very severely, especially by cutting or tearing off part of it

The body had been badly mutilated.尸体被严重毁伤。

2.~ sth严重损毁;毁坏to damage sth very badly

Intruders slashed and mutilated several paintings.闯进来的人毁坏了好几幅油画。


v.1.to damage someones body permanently by cutting it or removing part of it; to damage something seriously, or to spoil it completely, especially by removing part of it

1.使残缺不全 project v. 发射 Mutilate v. 使残缺不全 / chew? v. 咀嚼 -- ...

2.切断 puncture( 刺,穿刺); mutilate切断,使残废); squander( 浪费, …

3.毁伤 Hunger For Blood 血之饥渴 Mutilate 毁伤 Cold Blood 冷血 ...

4.毁坏 ashtray n. 烟灰缸 mutilate v. 使残缺不全,毁坏 chew v. 咀嚼 ...

5.残害 ventilate 使…通风,透风 mutilate 残害,切断 flagellate 鞭打,鞭笞 ...

6.残肢毁伤 3 Innocent Blood 无辜之血 2 Mutilate 残肢毁伤 3 Skeletal Scrying 骸骨占卜 ...

7.使残废 puncture( 刺,穿刺); mutilate( 切断,使残废); squander( 浪费, …

8.使断肢 microbe 微生物 mutilate 使断肢,使残废 mutilation 肢体残缺 ...


1.Feigenbaum had confessed, he said, to suffering from a disease which periodically drove him to murder and mutilate women.他声称,费恩海姆曾亲口向他承认,自己遭受着一种疾病的困扰,此种疾病驱使着他周期性的杀害女性并毁坏她们的尸体。

2.Mutilate: this abipty will no longer give poisons on the off-hand weapon two chances to be triggered.毁伤:这个技能不再使得副手武器触发两次毒药。

3.Do not incinerate or mutilate batteries, may burst or release toxic material.不要燃烧或毁坏电池,可能导致有毒气体释放或爆炸。

4.They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways.他们不断地试图从各个方面消灭、剥夺、限制个人自由。

5.The rogue talent Mutilate (Assassination) will no longer incorrectly appear multiple times in the combat log when used.盗贼天赋毁伤将不再在战斗记录多次显示。

6.He was going to mutilate you in the worst possible way. As he mutilated four other women in Georgia.他打算用最残酷的手段对待你,用残杀那四个佐治亚女孩的方式。

7.Gnome male animation for "Mutilate" causes the main hand dagger to stick through the gnome's shoulder.男侏儒毁伤动作使主手匕首刺穿过了侏儒的肩膀…

8.In your apppcations, don't be too anxious about it or mutilate otherwise elegant code over it (unless you can prove that it is an issue).在您的应用程序中,不需要过分担心这个问题,不必为此破坏优雅的代码(除非可以证明它确实造成了损害)。

9.Such dreamtime was often used to mutilate fields and strip records.这类梦想层经常用于破坏能量场和剥夺记录。

10."Mutilate" : This abipty will now always consume the "Cold Blood" buff when it strikes an opponent.“毁伤”:这技能现将总会在施放时消耗“冷血”的效果。