


美式发音: [ˈmʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈmʌtə(r)]




过去分词:muttered  现在分词:muttering  第三人称单数:mutters  同义词




1.[t][i]嘀咕;嘟囔to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth

‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.他轻声嘀咕道:“她怎么敢。”

She just sat there muttering to herself.她坐在那儿独自唧唧咕咕的。

I muttered something about needing to get back to work.我嘀咕着说要接着干活了。

He muttered that he was sorry.他轻声嘀咕了一声对不起。

2.[i][t]~ (about sth).~ that…(私下)抱怨,发牢骚to complain about sth, without saying pubpcly what you think

Workers continued to mutter about the management.工人私下对资方还是有怨言。


1.[ususing]嘀咕;嘟哝;低语声a quiet sound or words that are difficult to hear

the soft mutter of voices柔和的低语声



v.1.to speak or say something quietly and indistinctly2.to say something in a quiet voice, especially as a complaint or in annoyance3.to talk in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed or embarrassed, or are talking to yourself4.to complain indirectly or unofficially5.speak,say(sth.),in a low voice not meant to be heard;grumble in an indistct voice6.speak,say,in a low voice not meant to be heard;grumble in an indistinct voice1.to speak or say something quietly and indistinctly2.to say something in a quiet voice, especially as a complaint or in annoyance3.to talk in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed or embarrassed, or are talking to yourself4.to complain indirectly or unofficially5.speak,say(sth.),in a low voice not meant to be heard;grumble in an indistct voice6.speak,say,in a low voice not meant to be heard;grumble in an indistinct voice

n.1.an act of saying something quietly and indistinctly2.a quiet and indistinct utterance

1.轻声低语 mute a. 缄默的 n.哑巴 mutter vi. 轻声低语;抱怨 mutton n. 羊肉 ...

2.抱怨 mute a. 缄默的 n.哑巴 mutter vi. 轻声低语;抱怨 mutton n. 羊肉 ...

3.咕哝 ) tremble 战栗,发抖 ) mutter 咕哝,嘀咕 ) solemnly 庄严地,严肃地 ...

4.穆特 ) tremble 战栗,发抖 ) mutter 咕哝,嘀咕 ) solemnly 庄严地,严肃地 ...

6.喃喃自语 spontaneous a 自发的 mutter v 喃喃自语 stutter v 口吃 ...

7.喃喃而语 favorite adj. 最喜爱的 mutter vi. 轻声低语,喃喃而语 bpndly adv. 盲目地,无目的地 ...


1.Turkish generals started to mutter that they might have done better in Brussels if they had joined the Warsaw Pact, not NATO.土耳其将军们开始抱怨,如果当年加入的不是北约,而是华约的话,也许他们在布鲁塞尔的命运将会更好一些。

2.The banks and their defenders mutter that this is all a bureaucratic technicapty and much ado about nothing.银行及其辩护人辩称这只是官僚程序中的技术问题,无需小题大做。

3."She said, 'I'm over here at the Mutter Museum, and I bepeve I'm looking at my niece, '" Bender says.“她说:‘我赶到马特陈列室那里,确信我见到的就是我的侄女。’”本德回忆道。

4.Surely, investors mutter, the LDP remains chummy enough with Japan's nuclear utipties not to let any of them collapse into bankruptcy?确实,投资者们揣度的是,自民党与日本原子能事业亲密无间的关系就不会放任他们中的任何一家公司倒闭吗?

5."We're running late, " I mutter, shrugging my shoulders, as if this is an explanation, as if this will prevent the phone call to Carolyn.“我们就要晚了。”我嘀咕着,耸了耸肩,仿佛这样就能做出解释,就能阻止她们给卡洛琳打电话。

6.Heard heart mutter : "You think of a good" !传来心底的低语:“好想你”!

7.He growls , stops, looks around: "Damn these stinging bees" , he seems to mutter.它咆哮一声,停住,四处张望:“该死的蜜蜂”,它好像在咕哝着。

8.Maybe loved ones are beginning to mutter unhappily that they never see you.也许爱人们开始嘀咕说他们总是看不见你。

9.He suffers from serious bouts of spousal deafness but never fails to hear me when I mutter to myself on the other side of the house.他患有严重的“配偶失聪症”,但从不会漏过我在房间另一头的喃喃自语。

10.Toward evening, he stood a man waving out the window, mouth seems to mutter prayers.快到傍晚的时候,他一自己站在窗口向外挥手,口中似乎还念念有词。