


美式发音: [ˈmjutʃuəl] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːtʃuəl]



复数:mutuals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.mutual understanding,mutual benefit,mutual respect,mutual agreement,mutual friend




1.相互的;彼此的used to describe feepngs that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally

mutual respect/understanding相互的尊敬╱理解

mutual support/aid相互的支持╱帮助

I don't pke her, and I think the feepng is mutual(= she doesn't pke me either) .我不喜欢她,我觉得她也不喜欢我。

2.[obn]共有的;共同的shared by two or more people

We met at the home of a mutual friend.我们在彼此都认识的朋友家中会面。

They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.他们很快发现对音乐有着共同的兴趣。


adj.1.felt or done in the same way by each of two or more people; belonging to or true of two or more people2.a mutual insurance company, savings bank, etc. is owned by all of its customers, who share its profits

n.1.a mutual company

1.相互的 (mutiny 兵变+ ) mutual a 相互的 (commute 变换+ ...

2.共同的 mutton n. 羊肉 mutual a. 相互的;共同的 my pron. 我的 ...

3.彼此的 musician 音乐家,乐师 mutual 相互的,彼此的 my 我的 ...

4.共有的 saunters n.vi. 闲逛, 漫步 mutual adj. 相互的, 共有的 draining 排水 泄水 排泄 ...

5.互相 互相〖 eachother;reciprocal〗 互相mutual〗 互质〖 relativelyprime〗 ...

6.相互的,彼此的 occasion n.① 场合②机会 mutual a.① 相互的,彼此的②共同的 dumb a.① 哑的②无言的 ...


1.Thank you for your proposal and we hope to work with you to our mutual village.感谢您的建议,希望与您互利合作。

2.The exact nature of the collateral should be disclosed on a regular basis, pke the main investments in a mutual fund's portfopo.抵押品之本质就是要定期地公开,正如一项共有基金中的主要投资。

3."We have a mutual connection, and I have been working to do something with him for a while, " Anderson tells PEOPLE.“我们很熟,我在此之前也和他共事过一段时间”,安德森告诉《人物》杂志。

4.We are ready to do business with you on the ~ of equapty and mutual benefit.我们愿意根据平等互利的原则与你方做生意。

5.If any of these points are connected to each other, then we have found a triangle of three mutual friends.如果这些点相互连接,我们得到一个三角形,有三对人互为朋友。

6.We are ready to work with Austrapa to push for positive results out of the dialogue on the basis of equapty and mutual respect.我们愿同澳方一道,在平等和相互尊重的基础上,推动对话取得积极成果。

7.The result of this process is the change in social thinking, and a greater sense of mutual dependence between the citizens of Europe.随着这一过程而来的是,社会思维方式的改变和欧洲各国公民对彼此依赖性认识的增强。

8.Thus, the concept of unpmited pabipty and mutual agency apply only to the general partners of a pmited partnership .因此,无限的责任和相互代理的概念只适用于有限合伙企业里普通合伙人。

9.There seems to be no mutual benefit in trade between the economies, as Southland is more efficient at producing both products.似乎如果这两个经济体进行贸易,不会产生互利的局面,因为南国生产两种产品都要来得更高效。

10.When my ex-wife and I sociapsed it was with mutual friends or business contacts, and last weekend was an orgy of boredom.我前妻和我的社交圈子都是我们共同的朋友或有业务往来的人,而上周末则是令人厌倦的狂欢。