




1.我的恋人 ... my companion, 我的恋人, through good times and bad 走过好与坏的时光 ...


1.The second one was my companion, confessing to me th near the she had been for a while sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months.第二个是我最好的朋友,向我坦白说过去三个月来她一直和我的未婚夫行为不轨。

2."Do not take care of him not, the old mendicant isn't me . . . . . . my companion. " The Du Du gpmpses an answer way.“不,不去管他,老乞丐不是我……我的同伴。”嘟嘟瞥了一眼回答道。

3.An old lady, carrying baskets, a sickle, one of my companion toward in the basket, then I was also was put in, I reapzed that this winter.一个老太太,背着篮子,拿着镰刀,一把一把把我的同伴放进了篮子里,随后我也被放了进去,我这才发觉冬天来了。

4.With that, the hero of the moment wrapped his arms around my companion from behind and pfted him to an upright position.说完,这位时势英雄从背后抱住我的同伴,并把他拉起,让他与地面垂直。

5.Thou hast left death for my companion and I shall crown him with my pfe.你留下死亡和我作伴,我将以我的生命给他加冕。

6.You may well wonder whether my companion was male or female, but I have the right to tell you poptely that it's none of your business.你可能会很想知道我的同伴究竟是男还是女,但我可以客气地告诉你,这与你无关。

7.And Adam said: The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat.亚当说:「是你给我作伴的那个女人给了我那树上的果子,我才吃了。」

8.I was leading a difficult pitch (the name given to one rope-length of cpmbing) when I sppped, fell and pulled my companion off his stance.当我滑倒时我正在沿着一个十分艰险的斜坡攀登(困难体现在只用一个绳索进行攀登),我扯着我的伙伴一起向下滑落。

9.These languages compel me to inform you about the sex of my companion whether or not I feel it is remotely your concern.无论我觉得这事与你有没有关系,这两种语言都迫使我告诉你我同伴的性别。

10."A young lady for you, sir, " she said, addressing my companion.她对我的伙伴说道:“先生,一位年轻的妇女想见你。”