




1.今天我休息 ... 金镖黄天霸/ Golden Dart Hero 今天我休息/ My Day Off 今夜星光灿烂/ The Stars Are Bright Tonight ...

2.不工作的一天 ... 2. 休息日 a day off 2. 不工作的一天 my day off 1. 今天我休息 an off day ...


1.You want me to go with you shopping on my day off and while the game is on? Dream on!今天难得休息一天,而且比赛还在进行中,你却让我跟你一起去购物。别做梦了!

2.'Well, I must go now. It's my day off, so I'm going home to help Mother with the housework. Goodbye, miss. See you tomorrow. '哦,我得走了,今天是我休息的日子,我得回家帮妈妈做家务,再见,小姐,明天见。

3.Leave me alone and let me enjoy my day off in peace.不要吵我,让我安静地享受我的假日。

4.I had to start my day off by saying great, nice things about the guy who broke my heart and completely disrespected me.我只好用这美好的一天早上给伤了我的心还伤我自尊的家伙说好话。

5.One of my priorities is my health and physical well-being, so most mornings I start my day off with a workout at the gym.对我来说,身体健康是一大要事,所以我的日子大多会始于健身房里的晨练。

6.on my day off , i don ' t want to go for a drive.在我休假的那天,我不想去开车兜风。

7.About ten minutes in the morning starts my day off pmber despite my arthritis.早起大概10分钟,开始我充满活力的一天,尽管我有关节炎。

8.Today was supposed to be my day off.今天应该是我的一天。

9.I just wanted to make sure I wasn't working on my day off.我只是想弄明白我是否在休息日上了班。

10.I trust you don't have me followed on my day off.我休假的时候你没派人跟踪我吧?