




1.我的文件 setup preset 恢复默认设置 my files 我的文件 deta folder 数据文件 ...

2.的文件夹下 “My Files的文件夹下。 ...

3.我的文档 ... 会自动出现在命令行中。假如用户要插入C:我的文档 my files.doc ...

4.我的档案入上面网址后,点选所有档案(All Files)→我的档案My Files)→公管陈老师讲义的资料夹,即可下载大东海补习班陈颐 …

5.文件讯息 My Account → 帐号资料 My Files我所有上传的档案 My Earnings → 我所赚的钱 ...

7.文件储存  Acrobat目前包含了文档编辑(Buzzword)、在线会议(Connect Now)、PDF创建(Create PDF)、文件分享(Share)及


1.Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files last night.昨天晚上,汤姆坐在我的电脑桌子前偷看我电脑里的材料的时候被我当场抓到。

2.It even provided Betsey Wright office space so that she could keep working on my files and, as it turned out, plan the next campaign.事务所甚至还给贝琪.赖特也安排了办公的地方,让她继续整理我的文件——根据事情的发展,她后来就在这里为我的下一次竞选进行筹划。

3.I save documents I've created but I cannot chose where they are saved. I do not back-up my files.我虽然会保存已建的文件,但是我不会选择它们保存的位置。我不会对自己的文件进行备份。

4.That means that we simply create a folder called "Transfer" in the "my files" section of Wuala as shown in the screenshot below.这意味着我们简单地在Wuala中“我的文件”标签下创建一个叫Transfer的文件夹,截图如下。

5.It is nice to have access to all my files whether I'm in working in my office in Kansas or waiting for powder to fall in Colorado.无论是在堪萨斯办公,还是在科罗拉多等待纸料到来,能够得到所有文件是多么好。

6.I learned how to keep my files in order, how to stay on top of my paperwork, to be organized at home and work.我学会了怎样让我的文档变得有秩序,怎样驾驭我的方案工作,怎样在家里和工作里变得有条理。

7.don 't my files get moved to the beginning of the volume?为什么我的文件无法移动到卷的开始部分?

8.The point is, I really need to back up my files onto a more secure media format, that is, DVDs.重点是,我确实需要把我的文件备份到更保险的媒介上,也就是说,DVD。

9.I lost all my files today because something went wrong with my computer.我今天丢了我所有的档案,因为我的计算机出了一点问题。

10.With a timesharing system I can login and get to my files from any terminal that is connected to the system.在分时操作系统上,我可以从任意一台终端登录并存取我的文件。