




1.我妈妈 Picture,2000)以及2005年的新作《我妈妈》(My Mum)等数十部之多。他的作品欣赏主要有两大系列,一个是以黑猩猩 …

2.我的妈妈 《My Father》(《 我的爸爸》),徐光辉同学写了 《My Mum》(《 我的妈妈》),谭梓豪写了 《My Sister》(《 我的 …

3.大奖绘本-我妈妈 My Dad 我爸爸 9780552560061 My Mum 大奖绘本-我妈妈 THE LITTLE BOOK OF VALUE INVESTING …


5.梁洪迪英语讲述梁洪迪英语讲述my mum)开灯 网友意见反馈留言板    电话:4009600000    欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About Sina | 广告服务 | 联 …

6.住大屿山两边衬家一个住大屿山(My mum),一个住元朗(6299)joelbb PINK0717 shingshing1223 ansonbbma 840822 emily21921 kahei_m…

7.拜山拜山(MY MUM) 分类: 未分类 发表时间:2010-04-11 05:50 PM [ 访客留言(0) ] [ 编辑日志 ] [ 分享至FACEBOOK ] 2010 年 2 月 …

8.李若瑜英语[分享] 李若瑜英语(my mum)


1.Kitten: But I'm afraid of the dark. I cannot go outside. My mum won't let me go out in the dark.小猫:但是我害怕黑暗,我不能到外面去。我妈妈会担心我,不让我在黑暗里。

2.That year , we seemed to be so rich that we'd rather become the babysitter of our lovers than buy a cheapest pearl necklace for my mum.那一年我们好像很有钱,成为自己情侣吃穿的保姆,回家的时候却不能给妈妈买一条最便宜的珍珠项链。

3.Asking her what the matter was, she whispered "my mum is getting married again, and I'll get a new stepfather. "慰问她时,她对我悄悄道:“我妈妈要结婚了,我会有后爸了”。

4.After getting comfy in her bed, my mum looked up to find four faces looking back at her!在越来越舒适的在她的床上,我的妈妈抬起头来找到四个面孔回头看她!

5.Today, my mum hit me with her car as she was backing out of the drive way, hurting my leg and crushing my bike.今天,我的妈妈倒车时撞倒了我,伤倒我的腿和压坏我的自行车。

6.When I felt so elated, the door was opened. My mum walked out of her room with a drowsy face.当我正得意洋洋的时候,门开了,妈妈睡意朦胧地走出房间。

7."I wouldn't be sitting here in an England track suit now if it wasn't for all my mum's sacrifices and everything she did for me, " he said.如果没有老妈为我牺牲一切的付出,现在我不可能穿上国家队的球衣。格伦说道。

8.Much of the same sort of discussion followed about shoulder-straps, with my Mum being outvoted .相关的讨论还牵涉到肩带,我的母亲成了少数派。

9.My mum and dad kept saying 'But he could be an axe murderer ', but I knew there was something special about it.我爸妈一直提醒我他会不会是个连环杀人犯,但我知道这件事有些特别。

10.Talking to my mum not even for a minute, heard people screaming! Instinctively turned back and looked up. Oh. . . he jumped.和妈妈讲了一分钟都唔够,特然…!听到路人在高声呼叫!我就本能地掉头向上望,原来…那名男士已跳了下来…