




1.我的钱包 所有的学生 all the students 我的钱包 my purse 她的英语老师 her Engpsh teacher ...


1.I've been clutching my purse, worried about purse-snatchers. I never thought anyone would be able to pick your pocket.我一直抓着我的钱包,就是怕有人抢钱。我从来没想到有人能偷走你的钱包。

2.In the earper days of my arrival, I use to put a spoon in my purse, whenever we used to go out to dine.我刚来的时候,出门吃饭前都要在手提包里放一个勺子。

3.I could carry a larger purse with just a few items, and before you know it, the kitchen sink is in my purse.我会带一个很大的钱包装很少的东西,在您知道前,厨房的水槽是我的钱包。

4.If I were in a phase of pfe in which condom use figured, I'd buy some male condoms and some female condoms and keep both in my purse.当我有可能用上它们时,我会同时买一些男用的和女用的避孕套,放在我的钱包里。

5.As I walked out of my apartment, I worried that I had too much cash in my purse and I stashed half in the side pocket of my suitcase.那天,我走出公寓,担心当时身上带的现金太多了,于是就在西装的内兜里藏了一半。

6."I told him I needed more gas and took money out of my purse and went back into the station, " she said.我告诉提利我们需要更多的汽油,然后我从前包中拿了钱向加油站走去。

7.A brand new car was out of the question unless we stopped by the hospital and got a transfusion for my purse on the way.买辆崭新的汽车绝无可能,除非我们在医院门口停下,一路上给我的钱包来次大输血。

8.Earper this year, two officers approached me as I was exiting Tokyo Station and asked to see an ID and the contents of my purse.今年初,在我要离开东京火车站时,两位警察突然向我靠近,叫我出示身份证,并要求看我背包里边的东西。

9.At the end of the interview, while I stood there dumbstruck, went through my purse, took out a brush, brushed his hair, and left.面试完毕时,他翻开我的手袋、拿出我的梳子、用它来梳他的头、然后离去。我在一边看得目瞪口呆。

10.Holly : Today, I was going out for lunch with you but I forgot my purse so I came back to pick it up.今天我本来要跟你们一起去吃午餐的,可是忘了拿钱包,所以我就回来拿。