


美式发音: ['maɪrən] 英式发音: ['maɪərən]





1.米隆 伯特船长/ Captain 麦伦/ Myron 皮克/ Pique ...

3.迈伦 (英)波特( Porter,D.) (美)迈伦( Myron,V.) (美)帕特森( Patterson,D.) ...

4.麦隆 Moses 莫斯 Myron 麦仑 Mason 梅森 ...

6.麦伦,芳香的 ... Murray, 莫雷,水手。 Myron麦伦,芳香的;甜的,芳香的。 Madge, 玛琪, …

7.米伦名如古希腊著名雕塑家米伦Myron)的雕塑作品 - 掷铁饼者(Discobolos),展现了动感与现代的美学精髓,植根古老的文 …


1.To his surprise, John didn't even try to taunt or tease. Instead, he just gave him a friendly slap on the back. "Right, Myron. "出乎意料的是,约翰并没有奚落或者嘲弄他的想法,而只是友好地拍了一下他的后背。

2.Jennifer smiled at him. "Sorry I blamed you, Myron. "珍妮弗也对他笑着说:“对不起,我错怪你了,迈伦。”

3.On the top of the magazine Myron spotted a gpnt of silver. A paper cpp was being used as a bookmark.在杂志上面,米隆找到了一个发光的小卡片,好像是用来做书签的。

4.Mr Samuelson remained close to Robert Merton, who won a Nobel for his work with Fischer Black and Myron Scholes on options pricing.长期以来,萨缪尔森同罗伯特.默顿常有往来,而莫顿因同费希尔.布莱克和迈伦.斯科尔斯在期权定价方面的共同工作,亦获诺贝尔桂冠。

5.Thank you, Myron, for that kind introduction.谢谢你的热情介绍,迈伦。

6."Weare keeping in mind that the economy and the consumer environmentremain unpredictable, " said Myron Ullman III, CEO of J. C. Penney.彭尼的CEO麦隆·尤尔曼(MyronUllman)说:“我们知道经济和消费者环境是不可预测的”。

7.Myron was so surprised he just stood there as the rest of the class filed out around him.迈伦惊奇地呆立在原地,其他同学从他身边绕过去,鱼贯而出。

8.Like Myron, Win had a huge collection of old Broadway musicals.像两岸,赢得了巨大的收集旧百老汇音乐剧。

9.Kitsune should now aid the player in lock picking needs, much pke Myron and Vic help with science and repair.狐现在应该帮助开锁需要的球员,就像迈伦和维克与科学及维修帮助。

10.Myron was about to apologize when John Dillon stepped from behind him.迈伦正要跟她道歉,约翰·狄龙从他身后走上前来。