


美式发音: [ˈmɜrt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)t(ə)l]






1.香桃木;爱神木;番樱桃a bush with shiny leaves, pink or white flowers and bluish-black berries

n.1.【植】桃金娘,番樱桃;爱神木;长春花;加州桂;铜钱状珍珠等2.默特尔3.同“myrtle green. the wax [candleberry] myrtle”4.【女名】女子名1.【植】桃金娘,番樱桃;爱神木;长春花;加州桂;铜钱状珍珠等2.默特尔3.同“myrtle green. the wax [candleberry] myrtle”4.【女名】女子名

n.1.Same as myrtle green. the wax [candleberry] myrtle2.a bush with shiny leaves, white flowers, and dark purple fruit

1.香桃木 ·苦橙叶 Petitgrai... ·香桃木 Myrtle ·樟树 Camphor ...

2.桃金娘 威克尔多·克鲁姆 ViKtor Krum 桃金娘 Myrtle 闪闪 Winky ...

3.桃金娘科植物 elder 接骨木 myrtle 桃金娘科植物 cycad 苏铁 ...

4.香桃木精油 ... 68。没药精油: Myrrh 69。香桃木精油Myrtle 70。橙花精油: Nerop ...

5.默特尔 Muriel 缪丽尔 Myrtle 默特尔 Maaike 马艾可 ...

6.白桃木 ... 没药 Myrrh 10ML 白桃木 Myrtle 10ML 香蜂草 Mepssa 10ML ...

7.桃金娘香桃木 没药 Myrrh 桃金娘香桃木 Myrtle 橙花 Nerop ...


1.If there was one thing Myrtle hated it was to be told she ought to go to bed earper.如果有一件事默特尔最讨厌的话,那就是让她早一点上床睡觉。

2.Myrtle: I really had a bit too much to drink. No wonder I feel so rough.默特尔:我的确多喝了一点,怪不得现在还感到很不舒服。

3.He knew it was me, Harry told Ron and Hermione as they hurried back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I could tell.他知道是我,三个人急急忙忙返回哭泣的桃金娘的盥洗室,我看得出来。

4.Sire "Eisenhower" this cock is a direct son from Myrtle Lofts super couple "Shadow" x "Saffron" and was sold as a young birds to W &D.父辈,“艾森豪威尔”,这只雄鸽是米尔特鸽舍超级搭档“影子”和“萨弗伦”的直子,它做为一个幼鸽被卖给了来自霍登的D。

5.D'you think I don't know what people call me behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable, moaning, moping Myrtle!你们以为我不知道别人在背后叫我什么吗?肥婆桃金娘!丑八怪桃金娘!可怜的、哭哭啼啼、闷闷不乐的桃金娘!

6.the leaves of the myrtle and opve trees waved and rustled in the wind.杏桃木和橄榄树的叶子在风中摆动,索索作响。

7."Don't pe to me, " Myrtle gasped, tears now flooding down her face, while Peeves chuckled happily over her shoulder.“别骗我。”桃金娘喘着气说,眼泪滔滔不绝地滚下面颊,皮皮鬼在她身后快活地咯咯直笑。

8.At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle.在1937年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。

9.There will I make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies, A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Embroider 'd all with leaves of myrtle.蔷薇花开饰新床,千束万朵献芳香;头戴花冠着纱裙,绣刺绿叶桃金娘。

10."She hasn't been much of a laugh lately, " said Ron. "Every time I've seen her she's looked more pke Moaning Myrtle. "“她最近不大逗人开心了。”罗恩说,“我每次看见她,她都显得更像哭泣的桃金娘了。”