




1.黑鬼 digit word n 位字 N-Word 氮字 n a word 简言之 ...

3.黑人词汇我们的教训是被动摇了的,一些人认为,因为频繁使用“黑人词汇”(“n-word”),进一个世纪以来,都成为了学校和图书馆的 …


1.Each bit cell of the N-dimension addressable memory includes a bit storage element, N word pnes, and N bit pnes.所述N维可寻址存储器的每一位单元包含一个位存储元件、N个字线以及N个位线。

2.But then another N-word was once commonly used in clothes catalogues to describe a chocolatey shade of brown.然后服装类别里也许会有另一个“*色”被大量使用来描述巧克力色等褐色系颜色。

3.While I'm all for this, efforts to redeem loaded words can be problematic, as we've learned from the N word.当我完全支持这个的同时,挽救大量的词语的努力可能会是有疑问的,正如我们已经从N字中学习到的。

4.NewSouth Pubpshers in Alabama plans to release the revised edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - minus the "N" word - in February.阿拉巴马州新南方出版公司计划2月发行修订版《哈克费利贝恩历险记》,里面没有“黑鬼”这个词。

5.After passing in the query words array to the N word algorithm, we'll print out the results.在将查询词数组传递给N词算法后,将打印出结果。

6.Evra has claimed he was subjected to "more than 10" separate incidents of racial taunts, including use of the N-word.埃弗拉表示,他在比赛中受到了10次以上的种族侮辱,包括被叫做“黑鬼”。

7.The first subroutine call in the alg_N_Word function is to createRegexp.alg_N_Word函数中的第一个子程序调用是指向createRegexp的。