




1.纳金 而路易斯安那州州长布兰科(Blanco) 夫人和纽奥良市长纳金Nagin) 4 则将是 将命令延至登陆前 19 小时才发布, 不但 …

3.纽奥良市市长纳金那州州长布兰科(Blanco) 夫人为民主党籍, 纽奥良市市长纳金Nagin) 也是民主党 籍的黑人, 纽奥良市人口约144. 5 …

4.纳根湖 中文名:印度之行 A Passage to India 中文名:欲蛇 Nagin 中文名:印度之歌 ndia So…


7.那京在印度北方的比贺(Behar),献给神「那京Nagin)女」,也就是「蛇神之妻」,她们必须定期禁盐及禁止乞讨。她们的奉 …


1.New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, his wife and a security guard spent several days in a hospital-pke center in Shanghai, China.新奥尔良市长Nagin,他的妻子和一位保镖就在上海如同医院中心的地方呆了几天。

2.Most of New Orleans is flooded with no electricity or drinking water, and its Mayor, Ray Nagin, ordered the total evacuation of the city.新奥尔良大部分地区遭洪灾,没电没水,其市长里根睿下令全市撤离。

3.At the press conference, Nagin said the Superdome would be a shelter of last resort for people with special needs.在记者招待会上,Nagin说,Superdome体育会展中心将是为那些有特殊需要的人准备的一个不得已的庇护站。

4.One of the recent quarantined air passengers was New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin , reported the Associated Press.据美联社报道,最近一例被隔离的飞机乘客是新奥尔良市市长雷-纳贞。

5.The Nagin couple and their assistant were in close contact with that patient.纳金夫妇及其一名助手是该名患者的密切接触者。

6.Mayor Nagin is telpng residents to wait in shelters and motels for a few more days.市长纳金告诉居民们在避难所和汽车旅馆再等一些天。

7.Having taken our names, the authorities let Matt and I leave but Nalla and Nagin had to endure an interrogation lasting eight hours.警官记录了我们的姓名便让我们离开了,但是娜拉和娜金却必须接受长达8小时的询问。

8.mr . bush had breakfast with new or lea mayor ray nagin , attended a church service and visit with some of the city ' s residents.布什总统与新奥尔良市长纳金共进早餐,参加一项祈祷仪式,并拜访了城市的一些居民。

9.On Sunday morning, less than 24 hours before the hurricane's landfall, Nagin finally called for a mandatory evacuation.周日上午,离飓风登陆不到24小时,Nagin最终采取了强制疏散。

10.But even then, they were expected to come with enough food and drinks to last three or four days, Nagin said.但即使在当时,他们还是被希望带上足够的食物和饮品以坚持三或四天。