




1.纳吉布拉89年2月苏军遭纳吉布拉(Najibullah)政权驱离阿富汗。92年纳吉布拉政权垮台,各派系混战,96年塔利班(Tapban,又称神学士) …


1.Towards evening, sitting in its hall before a black-and-white-television, I heard that Najibullah had been deposed in Afghanistan.快入夜的时候,坐在大厅中黑白电视机前的我听到了纳吉布拉(阿富汗总统)阿富汗被免职的消息。

2.The Soviet Union began to invest heavily in the new regime and backed Najibullah's reconcipation strategy.苏联开始大力投资新政权并且支持纳吉布拉的和解政策。

3.Finally, the Soviet leader put his money on Mohammad Najibullah, the energetic former head of the secret popce.最后,苏联领导人把他们的赌注压在默罕默德纳吉布拉这个精力充沛的前秘密警察头子身上。

4.As the mujahideen converged on Kabul in April 1992, Najibullah was forced to seek refuge in a U. N. compound.1992年4月当圣战者们汇聚喀布尔城下的时候,纳吉布拉被迫去联合国驻地寻求庇护。

5."Bamiyan is a very famous place, " said Najibullah Ahrai, head of information and culture for the province.巴米扬省信息文化部负责人NajibullahAhrai说:“巴米扬非常有名。这是当地人的重要财富。”

6.Najibullah took Gorbachev's message to heart.纳吉布拉将戈尔巴乔夫传达的信息铭记于心。

7.The government says a suspect arrested last month, Najibullah Zazi, traveled to Pakistan last year to train in weapons and explosives.政府称上月一名叫NajibullahZazi的嫌犯被逮捕,他去年曾前往巴基斯坦进行武器和爆炸的训练。