

Napa Valley

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un.1.region of west central Capfornia, Northeast of San Francisco. Extending northwestward from the city of Napa, its wineries lead the United States in grape production, and it is a major tourist destination.

1.纳帕谷虽然纳帕谷Napa Valley)并非位於矽谷,但却也只在其北边一小时车程处。纳帕谷葡萄酒小火车(Napa Wine Train)提供游 …

2.纳帕山谷纳帕山谷Napa Valley),位于距旧金山80公里的北方,谷里温暖的早春和和煦的夏日为葡萄的生长创造了近乎完美的气候条 …

3.那帕谷那帕谷NAPA Valley)和 索诺马山谷( Sonoma Valley )是美国葡萄酒的主要产地。加州气候温和的加州属于地中海型气候…

4.加州纳帕谷加州纳帕谷Napa Valley)的Auberge du Soleil酒店免费提供无线上网、早餐和客房小吃。三年前,酒店将小吃进行了更新, …

5.那帕酒乡那帕酒乡( napa valley),蒙特利(Monterey),赫氏古堡( Hearst Castle), Santa Cruz, or Lake Tohoe 都很适合一天来回的行程。远 …

6.纳帕谷地著名之纳帕谷地Napa Valley)位于旧金山东北方80 公里处,这里面积11,400 公顷,长达40 公里的狭长谷地上遍布了约150 …

7.那帕山谷当他抵达那帕山谷(Napa Valley),惊见那里的土质沙砾多、排水优,像极了莱茵河谷,便於1875年,兄弟合购土地,隔年1876 …

8.美国纳帕谷来自美国纳帕谷Napa Valley)的哈维斯酒庄在本次大赛上获得了两枚金牌,获奖情况如下图:中国葡萄酒大奖赛


1.Li will join the team in Napa Valley, Capf. , for a week-long stay as it prepares for the 2007 season.李超然将在加利福尼亚的纳帕山谷与球队会合,并在突袭者备战2007赛季的时候与球队共处一周。

2.One of the Company's bestsellers at the moment is Pure Gold White Wine by Hundred Acre Vineyards in Napa Valley.目前公司销量最好的葡萄酒之一是由纳帕谷百亩地酒庄酿造的纯金箔白葡萄酒。

3.Joyce In Napa Valley we visited three vineyards and stayed an old monastery turned into a B&B.乔伊斯在娜帕谷我们参观了三个葡萄园,还待在一个旧修道院改建成的民宿。

4.Thus, an opportunity cost of vacationing onthebeachinCape Cod might be missing the fabulous restaurants in the Napa Valley.所以选择到美国麻州鳕角海滩度假的机会成本,可能是牺牲加州纳帕谷一家很棒的餐厅。

5.Kodak is using new high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology to help several Napa Valley vineyards in the fight against wine fraud.柯达公司正在使用新的高科技防伪技术,以帮助一些纳帕谷的葡萄园在打击葡萄酒欺诈行为。

6.FROM the Honig Winery in the heart of the Napa Valley, vines heavy with grapes stretch all the way to the distant hills.纳帕谷酒乡中心地带的Honig酒厂,满挂着葡萄的藤蔓一直延伸至远处的山丘。

7.Distinctive Napa Valley chalkiness and a depth of character that results in a long pngering finish.别具特色的纳帕谷白垩土味道与深邃的特质令此酒回味绵长悠远。

8.The Robert Mondavi Winery, founded in 1966, is located in Oakville, Capfornia, the heart of Napa Valley.蒙大菲酒园始建于1966年,座落在加州纳帕山谷中心地带的橡木镇。

9.For America, the wine's biggest impact could be as a symbol of Napa Valley in the growing Chinese wine business.对美国来说,这种葡萄酒的最大影响可能就是,它是纳帕谷在新兴的中国酒业的代表。

10.For fun you need to come to Napa Valley to see the vineyards and taste our wonderful wines.要好玩的话你应该要来娜帕谷,来看葡萄园还有品尝我们的酒。