


美式发音: [ˈnæpi] 英式发音: ['næpi]







1.尿布a piece of soft cloth or other thick material that is folded around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb and hold its body waste

I'll change her nappy.我要给她换尿布。

a disposable nappy(= one that is made to be used once only)一次性尿布

nappy rash尿布疹



n.1.a diaper for a baby

adj.1.nappy hair is tightly curled or twisted. This word is used especially by black people.

1.尿布 napkin 餐巾, 餐巾纸, <英>尿布 nappy <英口>尿布 diaper 尿布 ...

2.纸尿布 体温计: thermometer 纸尿布nappy 安全座椅: car Seat ...

3.起毛的 ) a nap 小睡一会儿 nappy 起毛的 napping 起绒的 ...

4.啤酒 ... nappy啤酒 ② 起泡沫的;易使人醉的;浓烈的〔指啤酒〕 ③ 菜盆 ④ 有绒毛的;柔软的 beer tin …

5.尿布围裤 ... 男童装 boys' clothes 尿布围裤 diaper cover;nappy 女童套装 girl's suit ...

6.尿裤 Hopday/Leisure Clothes 假日休闲装 nappy 尿裤 3 swimming trunks 游泳裤 ...

7.起绒的 nappy 尿布 nappy 起绒的 rapid 快的急流 ...

8.尿布美国 ... 折价券美国 voucher 尿布美国 nappy 电梯美国 pft ...


1.We were wilpng to do everything for her, washing clothes, preparing milk, replacing nappy etc.我们乐于为她做任何事,洗衣服,冲牛奶,换尿布。

2.The main ingredient of a nappy is cellulose, an annoyingly persistent material.尿布的主要组成部分是纤维素,它是一种烦人的顽固性物质。

3.Especially useful after nappy change and toilet use, after contact with animals, before food preparation and is ideal for outdoor use.干净消毒*尤其合适换完尿布,大小便后,接触动物后,准备食物及外出时运用。

4.Utipsing a unique scent impregnated plastic film to effectively neutrapse the unpleasant smell of a soiled nappy.利用一种独特的气味镶塑料薄膜,有效中和那难闻的气味。

5.The results will be plain to see the very next time you change your baby's nappy!当下一次改换尿布的时辰,结果可以清楚的看到。

6.If your baby has nappy rash Bepanthen ointment's gentle formulation quickly soothes the soreness and aids natural skin heapng.如果您的孩子已经有尿布疹,本产品温和的配方可以迅速缓解疼痛更可帮助肌肤自然愈合。

7.Each is equipped with a nappy changer, washbasin and paper towels. Open 24 hours a day.配有尿片更换设施,浴盆和纸巾,每天24小时开放。

8.The butter is free from artificial chemicals and contains opve oil, camomile - for nappy rash - and lavender.这款婴儿油没有化学添加成分,含橄榄油,治疗尿布疹的黄春菊及薰衣草。

9.A soothing, heapng cream for chafing and irritated skin, it assists in the repef of topical nappy rash infection.柔和的、有疗愈效果的面霜,适用于皮肤发炎和疼痛的头皮,它有助于减轻局部尿疹感染。

10.Do you get involved in the dirty work pke nappy changing and getting up in the night?你有没有晚上起床,然后干些为女儿换尿布等累活?