


美式发音: [nəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [nə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:narrations  同义词




1.[u][c](尤指小说、电影或戏剧中的)叙述,讲述the act or process of telpng a story, especially in a novel, a film/movie or a play

2.[c](电影、戏剧等中对情节的)解说;旁白a description of events that is spoken during a film/movie, a play, etc. or with music

He has recorded the narration for the production.他录制了这部作品的解说词。


n.1.the process of telpng a story2.spoken information about what is happening in a television program or movie, given by someone who you do not see

1.记叙文 evaporation 蒸发(作用) narration 叙述 aberration 失常, 越轨 ...

3.叙述法 2. 举例法( example) 3. 叙述法( narration) 8. 重复法( repetition) ...

4.叙事 nap n. 午睡 narration n. 讲述, 叙述; 故事; 记叙体 narrative a. 叙述的, 叙事体的 ...

6.叙述文 画面 Picture 解说 Narration 音响效果 music sound effects ...


1.But Mr. Knight took exception to the book's unadorned dialogue, prose that he says might have used a bit more narration from Mr.但奈特不喜欢这本书里朴实无华的对话,他认为对话可能让海明威多费了一些笔墨。

2.She left out a piece of important detail in her narration due to insufficient preparation.由于准备不充分,她在叙述的过程中漏掉了一个重要细节。

3.Among the women writers of the 19th century, Jane Austen is applauded for her indirections of narration.在19世纪的女作家中,奥斯丁以其间接叙述手法为文论家所称道。

4.Do not tell a good story even though you know one; Its narration will simply remind your hearer of a bad one.即使你记得一则好故事也别讲,那只会使听者想起坏故事来。

5.Henry's works from the point of repetitive narration helps us to understand better his pfe thought of him.从重复叙事角度研究欧。亨利作品,还能更好地理解作家悲天悯人、低沉抑郁的人生情怀。

6.That's not to say you can't enjoy an audio narration of a novel or even a bit of poetry.这不是说你不可以用它来收听有声小说,或是有声小诗。

7.Benns' quasi-autobiographical narration circles around the repression of 'his' quest for integration into a community.班的类自传式的叙述文,环绕著对渴求适应团体的压抑。

8.The Coup (1979) was an exotic first-person narration by an ex-dictator of a fictitious African state.《政变》(TheCoup,1979年)采取第一人称观点,描述一个非洲虚构国家前独裁者充满异国情调的故事。

9.Seek blood narration in a moment, memorize, this material absences to be secretly to carry ashore, tin not make anyone understand.马上去找血源,记住,这件事要暗中进行,不能让任何人知道。

10.Narration and interaction, as two means of experiencing fictional world, can be reconstructed for appropriate integration.叙述和互动作为虚拟世界的体验方式,可以经过重构达到恰当的结合。