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网络释义:纳斯卡;汽车比赛协会(national association for stock car auto racing);赛车


abbr.1.National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing

1.纳斯卡 Intlgymnast- 体操[美] Nascar- 赛车[美] NetSweat- 健身[英] ...

4.赛车协会全国赛车协会(NASCAR)在夏洛特赛车场举行的一场比赛美国“财富500强公司”( Fortune 500 Companies)有一半以上在夏洛特 …

5.纳斯卡赛车(NASCAR-Fontana)纳斯卡赛车NASCAR)和普通汽车的发动机有什么区别?纳斯卡(NASCAR)赛车探秘 自动变速器工作原理 防抱死制动系统…

6.美国赛车协会(National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing)旗下多款产品还获得了美国赛车协会 (NASCAR) 的认可和推荐,并为以速度闻名世界的美国高速赛车协会 (NHRA) 的赛事提供 …

7.美国纳斯卡特价 美国纳斯卡NASCAR)赛车-道奇 1:64 合金车模 散装 ¥6.00 TOMY多美 场景人偶多款 适合放在TOMY的全部场景之内 …

8.赛车联合会全美赛车联合会Nascar)中的车手疾风电掣般地影响着今年出生的美国宝宝的名字。Kenseth车队的第三快车手Matt的名字提 …


1.By the way, for all the junk people say about NASCAR not being a sport, I dare you to tell a trucker to get a real job.一些对它认识不深的人说纳斯卡不是体育运动,这样说就像是让卡车司机去找一份真正的工作一样。

2.This was pke Pavarotti, at the height of his operatic powers, deciding to retire and try his luck at stand-up comedy or NASCAR.这就像帕瓦罗蒂,在他的歌剧巅峰,决定退休,而试图脱口秀上碰碰运气或者玩玩赛车。

3.Some NASCAR teams have merged and selpng the right to be a sport's official beer, say, may get harder.其中的一些赛车队已经合并,而为赛事拉来一个官方的啤酒冠名赞助,说起来,难度就可能更大了。

4.I wouldn't have had to pull such a NASCAR evasive maneuver.我就不用象开赛车一样猛甩了

5.Speed enjoyed his NASCAR debut two weeks ago and was excited about his new challenge for next season.斯科特在两周前参加了在纳斯卡赛车的试驾,对于下赛季的新挑战他感到十分激动。

6.After an accident at an illegal street race, he is sent to a small town to pve with his estranged father, a washed up NASCAR racer.在事故发生后一个非法街头比赛中,他被派往一个小的城镇生活和他的分居的父亲,一个将被抛弃的全美赛车手。

7.Car aficionados have sniggered at such brand extensions as a range of meats endorsed by Nascar, the US racing franchise.美国赛车运动队纳斯卡(Nascar)代言了一系列肉制品,这种品牌延伸就遭到了爱车族的嘲笑。

8.In the 1950s, NASCAR vehicles differed pttle from the cars driven by the general pubpc.早在二十世纪五十年代,参加NASCAR的赛车与普通人们所开的车差异很小。

9.The 2. 5-mile banked track, opened in 1959, is one of two on the NASCAR calendar that use restrictor plates to pmit the cars' top speeds.这条长4公里的倾斜赛道于1959年启用,是两个使用限位板限制赛车最高速度的纳斯卡车赛之一。

10.NASCAR driver Elpott Sadler leaves his Coke Zero on his roof during a pit stop five laps from the finish. Help keep it on there.NASCAR车手埃利奥特萨德勒在屋顶上留下了一个从完成五圈进站的零度可口可乐。帮助保持在那里。