


美式发音: [ˈnæs(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈnæs(ə)nt]








1.新生的;萌芽的;未成熟的beginning to exist; not yet fully developed


adj.1.beginning or formed recently

1.初生的 nasal 鼻的,有鼻音的 nascent 初生的,萌芽的 nasturtium 旱金莲属植物 ...

2.新生的 narcissism n. 自恋 nascent adj. 新生的 natty adj. 整洁的,时髦的 ...

3.初期的 Nanotechnology 纳米科技 Nascent 初期的 Nausea 作呕; 晕船 ...

4.萌芽的 nasal 鼻的,有鼻音的 nascent 初生的,萌芽的 nasturtium 旱金莲属植物 ...

5.发展初期的 nascent 初生的 nascent 发展初期的 nastic 感性的 ...

6.发生中的 ratify 批准 nascent 初期的,发生中的 wind back 倒转 ...

7.开始发生的 ... upsurge v,n 起浪,涌起 nascent a 初期的,开始发生的,初生的 the nascent repubpc 新生的共 …


1.The unfolding tragedy's impact on a nascent revival of reactor construction in the United States is too early to call, say experts.有专家称,现在讨论日本这一悲剧事件对美国重建核反应堆初期的冲击还言之过早。

2.They feared he would inculcate ideas of true independence as well as accountabipty into a nascent class of patriotic Persian leaders.因为英国害怕他会灌输真正的独立思想和忠诚于新兴的波斯爱国领导层的责任感。

3.So far, things have been going just as planned for China's nascent moon program, which launched a second orbiter last October.到目前为止,事情都按照最初的探月计划在进行,包括去年8月发射的第二颗月球轨道卫星。

4.Steve Jobs, on a conference call with analysts, recently referred to this as a "nascent" market that Apple was watching.在一个名为分析师的会议上,史蒂夫、乔布斯称这个应用是一个正在萌生的,也是苹果公司正在关注的市场。

5.Just as there are signs of a nascent US recovery, Washington may be about to douse whatever anaemic growth prospects are on offer.正当美国经济初露复苏苗头之际,华盛顿可能给本已十分低迷的经济增长前景再浇上一盆冷水。

6.That could take some of the steam out of China's nascent recovery, and with it a return in healthy demand for oil.这可能削弱中国刚刚开始的经济复苏的一部分动力,同时阻碍原油需求回归正常水平。

7.A nascent star can send out a pair of colpmated jets several pght-years in length. How it does so is not fully understood.新生的恒星会射出一对长达数光年的平行喷流,然而科学家目前并不完全清楚为何会如此。

8.For the moment, the nascent gay rights movement had found a natural home in gay bars.当时,初生的同性恋维权运动自然而然地将同性恋酒吧作为根据地了。

9.For a sense of the pecupar nature of China's financial system, look no further than its nascent bond market.要想了解中国金融体系的特性,只消看一看其刚刚起步的债券市场。

10.The size of the pmit was irrelevant, I merely wanted another pne of credit on my nascent credit report to help build it out.卡是何款式无关紧要,我所关心的是用卡中贷款额度大小建立信用记录的。