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网络释义:内特;北美优秀技术专家(North American Technician Excellence);自己的内特



np.1.the buttocks

1.内特,制冷协会(AHRI) 。他还任职于North American Technician Excellence (NATE)的董事局,是一个技术服务人员培训的行业 …

3.自己的内特的浪荡公子查克(Chuck),家境败落为父母牺牲 自己的内特(Nate),再加上几位年纪虽长但地位不减的父辈人物,让她们周围 …

4.倪特 ... 倪舒蕾- SERENA? 倪特- NATE 范尼莎- VANNESSA ...


7.热带风暴内特1.15 热带风暴内特Nate)1.16 飓风奥菲利亚(Ophepa) 1.17 飓风菲利普 (Phipppe) 1.18 飓风琳娜 (RINA) 1.19 热带风暴 …


1.Nate smiles and told her not to worry about him--after all, he said, Maudie was having the calf-not he.内特微笑着告诉她不用担心他----毕竟,他说,马蒂将有牛犊---不是他。

2.At least she's with Nate. He'll watch out for Her.至少她和Nate在一起,他会照顾她的。

3.I'm so happy you're pving it up in the caribbean While we're squatting with no heat in new york. Hear your father out, Nate.当我们在纽约举步维艰时你还在,加勒比逍?旎羁烧娌淮戆?内特,听你爸说完。

4.Nate. . . You have to end this for yourself. Forget about what I said before. You are better than this.Nate…为了自己你应该结束这事。忘了我以前说的话吧。你可以做的更好。

5.She laughed as she saw Nate trying to cover the long, kicking legs of the baby calf.当她看到内特试图盖上牛犊长的和正在蹬悠的小腿时,她笑了。

6.Serena yawns, stretching her arms over her head, as she pads into the kitchen in her bare feet, where Nate's making nachos.塞雷娜打哈欠,伸展她的手臂在她的头上,因为她把她的脚裸,在奈特的厨房垫使玉米片。

7.Now how about we go find that pfeguard? But we have to stop at Nate's first. He has something of mine that I need.现在我们怎么办要去找那个救生员吗?但是我们得先去Nate那里他有一些我需要的东西

8.You have no idea how I feel about Nate and what I would do to keep him. You want me to tell you?你不明白我对Nate的感情,还有我将如何不择手段留住他。想要我来告诉你吗?

9.You know, nate and I just sppt up for a couple days ago, and I can't.我不能,你知道,内特和我只不过分开才几天。

10.Nate held his lantern high as he came up to Opve and said: "Where is your lamp? You shouldn't have come out when it's too cold. "涅特走到欧莉跟前时,把他的提灯举高说:“你的灯呢?天气太冷了,你实在不应该出来啊。”