

natural silk

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1.天然丝 麻 LINEN 天然丝(桑蚕丝) NATURAL-SILK 粘胶纤维:哑光丝、粘纤 VISCOSE ...

2.自然丝 ... 麻 LINEN 自然丝(桑蚕丝) NATURAL-SILK 粘胶纤维:哑光丝、粘纤 VISC…

3.桑蚕丝 ... NYLON 尼龙 NATURAL-SILK 桑蚕丝 SERVICE |客服服务: ...


1.Chief among the advantages of natural silk is the way the proteins are organized.相比于人造产品,天然丝类最大的优势在于它们蛋白质的组织方式。

2.Natural silk is the natural continuous filament produced by mature silkworm. It is also known as natural silk or a natural fiber.蚕丝是指熟蚕结茧时所分泌丝液凝固而成的连续长纤维。也称天然丝,是一种天然纤维。

3.This study has provided a reference base for reasonable selection of detergent for washing dyed natural silk fabric.为真丝有色织物洗涤时合理选用洗衣粉提供了参考依据。

4.The invention relates to a fabrication method for natural silk flocs.本发明涉及一种蚕丝絮片的制作方法。

5.This work enhances our understanding of the natural silk spinning process in vivo.这一工作为我们更好地理解生物体中的成丝过程提供了理论依据。

6.Analyze and compare the dyeing properties of carthamin and safflower yellow on ramie and natural silk.对红花黄色素、红色素在苎麻、蚕丝上的染色性能做分析比较。

7.The figure of eight yanjing albums packaging nobipty is elegant, natural silk culture, is rare.《燕京八景图》册页包装高贵典雅,气度非凡,是不可多得的真丝文化精品。

8.He's also involved in developing a nerve scaffold (Neurotex) made from natural silk fibres in a silk conduit.他也在进行开发神经支架(Nrurotex)的研究,而他利用的是天然真丝抽取丝管。

9.Artificial silk creases more easily than natural silk.人造丝比天然丝更容易起皱。

10.It is sometimes difficult to distinguish artificial silk from natural silk .有时很难区分人造丝与天然真丝。