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abbr.〈美(=National Bureau of Standards)国家标准局

网络释义:美国国家标准局(National Bureau of Standards);国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics);美国标准局


abbr.1.〈美〉(=National Bureau of Standards)国家标准局

abbr.1.<AmE>(=National Bureau of Standards)

1.美国国家标准局(National Bureau of Standards)美国国家标准局NBS)的工作人员和美国政府的其他许多机构的官方代表也通过各种途径来参与美国标准学会的工作。美国 …

2.国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics)国家统计局(NBS)发言人李晓超表示,这一数据是在全球危机进一步加深蔓延、中国出口所依赖的许多发达国家陷入衰退的背景 …

3.美国标准局在美国标准局NBS)的人群挤压实验中,三人发生靠力792牛(178磅)和609牛(137磅)。在澳大利亚的研究中,处于半靠 …

4.结合位点(nucleotide-binding site)酸结合位点(NBS)和富含亮氨酸重复(LRR)的典型抗


1.But he did not reject the approach out of hand, saying that Wang Xiaolu had ideas and techniques that the NBS could learn from.但是他没有对这种方式提出反对,说王小鲁的想法和方式也有可供统计局借鉴之处。

2.Some of the biases in the old system pnger in the new, and that's another reason the NBS missed such a large volume of services output.旧体系中的一些偏差在新体系中仍然存在,这也是国家统计局遗漏如此庞大的一部分服务业产值的另一个原因。

3.China's GDP figures do not rely on the NBS household survey, but on "flow-of-funds" data collected from enterprises.中国的GDP是通过收集企业的“资金流动”数据获得,而非通过美国式的家庭调查获得。

4.But prices were down in that period, which means growth in real terms would be higher: 15. 9%, according to the NBS.但国家统计局的数据显示,同期物价出现了下跌,这意味着实际增长率更高,为15.

5.Meanwhile, the consumer price index (CPI), a major gauge of inflation, rose by 5. 4 percent in March from a year earper, the NBS said.同时,国家统计局指出,消费者物价指数(CPI),通货膨胀的一个主要标准,在三月份较去年同期上升了5.

6.Last July the head of the NBS said the government had stopped using the term "green GDP" because it was not internationally accepted.去年7月,统计局的主管表示政府停止使用“绿色GDP”一词,因为它不是国际公认的。

7.The queen kicked me out. I lost in the fore st, an old lady told&nbs p; me she had seen you.皇后把我赶了出来。我走到森林里迷路了,是一个老奶奶告诉我曾经看到过你们。

8.The NBS has at least improved the dissemination of data within the government internally.国家统计局至少已经改进了在政府内部数据的报送。

9.This study used as a modifier of calcium sulfate, NBS for toughener, HIPS as the theme of plastic polymer composites.本研究采用以硫酸钙为改性剂,NBS为增韧剂,HIPS为主题塑料组成高分子复合材料。

10.And NBS officials have been commendably honest this year in facing up to some of the gaps in the data.值得赞扬的是,国家统计局的官员们今年诚实地面对了统计数据中存在的一些差距。