


网络释义:National Entrance College Examination; 必要(necessary); 必须


1.National Entrance College Examination NEBULA 雾 NECE 必须,必要 NEFO,G. 云 ...

3.必须 MI MORE AKTI ID (我习惯做它). NECE (必须)- TU NECE DROMO (你必须跑). ...

4.妻嫂 妻兄 naca 妻嫂 nece 妻弟 naya ...

5.日本电气美国电子公司 NEC 日本电气公司 NECE 日本电气美国电子公司 NEG Negative 负压 ...

6.新起点大学英语基础教程 ... "New Start College Engpsh"《 新起点大学英语》 ) NECE新起点大学英语


1.T should not be made larger than nece ary since exce ive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection.也不应该做得比需要的更大,因为修正装置阻尼过大将使陀螺在修正过程中偏离垂线过多。

2.Not nece arily in soptude does reside true ha ine which can be found in busy streets rather than in the woods.真正的幸福并不隐逸,可以在街市而不汉译韩翻译器是丛林中去寻找。

3.Does this mean that those without a degree need not a ly? Not nece arily.这是否就意味着没有学位就那首歌歌词不能申请那个职位呢?不尽然。

4.Nece ity is the mother of invention.需求是发明的动力。

5.I think part of nece knew even then that the black temple had only traded one evil master for another我想在我心中在当时隐隐感觉到黑暗神庙只不过是将一个邪恶的主人变成了另一个