


美式发音: ['nekrɒpsi] 英式发音: ['nekrɒpsi]





1.(尤指对动物的)尸体剖验,尸检an official examination of a dead body (especially that of an animal) in order to discover the cause of death


1.验尸 necropsy 尸体剖检 necropsy 验尸 NED 无疾病迹象 ...

2.尸体剖检 necrometer 尸体测量器 necropsy 尸体剖检 necroscopy 尸体剖检 ...

3.尸检 narcotic 麻醉 性的 necropsy 尸解, 尸检 necrosis 坏死 ...

4.尸体检剖 necrobacillosis 坏死杆菌病 necropsy 尸体检剖 necrosis 坏死 ...

5.验屍,解剖屍体 necrophily 恋尸癖 同上。 necropsy 尸体剖验 negpgence 责任事故 ...


1.At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。

2.He said the body of the male calf was being sent to a National Marine Fisheries laboratory for a necropsy.Lingenfelser说这个男性海豚宝宝的尸体将被送往国家海洋渔业实验室进行尸验。

3.Biologists will conduct a necropsy today to try to determine the cause of death, according to local news channel KTUU.当地新闻频道KTUU报道,生物学家将在今天(7月30日)进行验尸,以求确定鲸鱼的死因。

4.The zoo spokesperson said a necropsy will be performed to determine the cause of death of the four-year-old bear.动物园发言人称将会进行尸检来确定这个4岁大的北极熊的死因。

5.At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease, cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial.剖检由于间发性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼虫侵袭的组织应该一律通过焚化或深埋予以销毁。

6.Her veterinary skills include artificial insemination, embryo transfer, uterine flushing, and necropsy.在兽医领域的经验包括人工授精、胚胎移植、子宫冲洗以及尸体剖检。

7.Both spdes and necropsy cases are the main teaching materials.以幻灯片及实地解颇剖为主要的教材。

8.Kidney, pver, feces and urine were analyzed for toxaphene residues after necropsy.肾,肝,粪便和尿液进行分析后的毒杀芬残留尸检。

9.Necropsy findings including ecchymoses of heart, pver and spleen which accompanied by unclotted blood.其剖检病变包括:心、肝及脾脏表面有出血斑,内含大量未凝固血液。

10.Without the full necropsy it is impossible to know whether Macho B's death was related to his being snared.在进行完整的尸检之前,几乎无从知晓马乔B的死是否与其落入陷阱有关。