




1.反例 ... 正实例 positive instance ོག་དཔེ། 31.03.14 反例 negative example ོག་དཔེ། 反实例 negative instance 31.03.15 ...

2.实例为反例 ... 反例1. counter example 实例为反例1. negative example 子和反例1. counterexample ...

3.负面例子 ... Efficient Communication 有效的沟通 Negative Example: 负面例子: Base Salary Setting 基本工资设定 ...

4.来做为例 ... 1. EXAMPLE 实例为反例 1. negative example 来做为例 1. take for example 以——为 …

5.负例本 (Positive example) 与错误的样本 (Negative example)。


1.'This is a negative example and other cities will follow it for sure, ' he said. 'The auto market is a pillar industry. '他说,这是个不好的榜样,其他城市肯定会效仿;汽车业是支柱产业。

2.The post-Communist travails of the former Soviet Union have been valuable as what the party used to call "teaching by negative example" .前苏联后共产主义时期的痛苦一直都是宝贵的教训,中国共产党过去常常称之为“负面教材”。

3.Alluding to the painful fallout from the financial crisis, Mr Geithner held up the UK's past popcies as a negative example.在提到金融危机的惨痛后果时,盖特纳将英国过去的政策当作反面教材。

4.Textbook it as a negative example, one remarked, too, but even in the new era after the researchers have not shown interest.教科书把它作为反面材料一语带过,而研究者即使在进入新时期之后也没有表现出兴趣。

5.Organizers argued that "sometimes a negative example can serve as a warning" .颁奖组织者说:“有时,反面典型会起到警示作用。”

6.The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people by negative example.反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。

7.Only this time the approach has been to view the last war as a negative example.只有这一次的做法已被作为反面教材,以查看最后一战。

8.Event Tracking Algorithm Based on Negative-Example-Pruning Support Vector Machine一种基于反例样本修剪支持向量机的事件追踪算法