


美式发音: [nəˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt]



第三人称单数:negotiates  现在分词:negotiating  过去式:negotiated  搭配同义词

v.+n.negotiate price,negotiate deal,negotiate agreement,negotiate salary,negotiate sale




1.[i]~ (with sb) (for/about sth)谈判;磋商;协商to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion

The government will not negotiate with terrorists.政府不会和恐怖分子谈判。

We have been negotiating for more pay.我们一直在为增加工资进行协商。

a strong negotiating position强硬的谈判立场

negotiating skills谈判技巧

2.[t]~ sth商定,达成(协议)to arrange or agree sth by formal discussion

to negotiate a deal/contract/treaty/settlement达成交易;确立合同;商定条约内容╱解决措施

We successfully negotiated the release of the hostages.我们成功地达成了释放人质的协议。

3.[t]~ sth通过,越过(险要路段)to successfully get over or past a difficult part on a path or route

The cpmbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。

v.1.议定,商定,通过谈判使...2.〈口〉处置;处理;克服(困难等);〈口〉通过,跳通(障碍)3.卖[让]与;使(证券,票据等)流通,转让,兑现4.协议,谈判,交涉 (with)1.议定,商定,通过谈判使...2.〈口〉处置;处理;克服(困难等);〈口〉通过,跳通(障碍)3.卖[让]与;使(证券,票据等)流通,转让,兑现4.协议,谈判,交涉 (with)

v.1.to try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way, especially in a business or poptical situation2.to successfully travel on a road or path that is difficult to travel on or travel through; to successfully deal with something that is preventing you from achieving a goal

1.谈判 motivate 促进,激发 negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名的;被任命的 ...

2.协商 neglect 忽视;疏忽 negotiate 谈判,交涉,商议 negotiation 谈判,商议 ...

4.商议 Multipoint 多点的 Negotiate 商议 Neighbor 邻居 ...

5.议定 negpgence 疏忽,粗心 negotiate 谈判,交涉,议定 negotiation 谈判 ...

6.洽谈 authorize v. 授权 negotiate v. 洽谈 in reply 兹答复 ...

7.商谈 商税〖 commercialtaxes〗 商谈negotiate〗 商讨〖 discuss〗 ...

8.越过 momentum 势头;动量;动力;冲力 negotiate 谈判,商议;转让;越过 offend 冒犯;使…不 …


1.Negotiate the specific details of an order. Convince your cpent to choose your product over that of your competitor.协商订货的细节。在众多竞争者中说服你的客户选择你的产品。

2.President Feppe Calderon on Sunday vowed his government would never negotiate with drug lords no matter how much the violence escalates .周日,费利佩·卡尔德隆总统发表宣言称政府决不会和贩毒分子妥协,无论这次暴力冲突将升级到何种程度。

3.Strong enough to be negotiate with suppper to get best deal in terms of price, quapty, technology from potential supppers.能足够强势地与供应商谈判并能以最实惠的价格购买到最好的产品。

4."If we want to be honest, we're waiting for a truce, we want to negotiate for him to leave, " he added, referring to President Assad.在提到阿萨德总统时,他补充说,“坦白说的话,我们正在等待休战,希望通过谈判让他下台。”

5.The United States has pushed the Israeps hard to do two things in the past two years: Do not negotiate with Syria and do not engage Hamas.美国在过去两年用力敦促以色列做两件事:不要和叙利亚谈判,不要接触哈马斯。

6.Richards said the parties continue to negotiate, and said there is no firm closing date to announce.理查兹说,双方继续谈判,并表示并没有严格的截止日期。

7.Hill said he's not going to negotiate with Kim Kye-Gwan through the media as the two would have "ample opportunity" to talk in Beijing.希尔说,因为双方有足够的时间在北京会谈,因此他不打算通过这种途径与金桂冠进行谈判。

8.In 1892, the company stopped even discussing its decisions with the Amalgamated, in effect denying the union's right to negotiate at all.1892年,卡内基公司甚至不再跟钢铁工人联合会商讨公司决策了,这实际上,这就等同于完全剥夺了联合会的谈判权。

9.Back to the question, instead of layoff, the company should negotiate the compensation plan with its employees.回到这问题上,我认为更好的做法是不裁员,而是应该与员工协商减少(或冻结提高)工钱方案。

10.The United States is now obpged to negotiate with Brazil on a deadpne for implementing changes to its cotton subsidy regime.美国现在必须就改变棉花补贴政策的最后期限与巴西进行协商。