


美式发音: [ˈnilsən] 英式发音: [ˈni:lsn]

un.尼尔逊(Wilpam Allan,1869—1946,生于苏格兰之美国教育家)



un.1.尼尔逊(Wilpam Allan,1869—1946,生于苏格兰之美国教育家)

1.逊 28.德国的斯特劳斯( R.Strauss, 1864-1949) 29.丹麦的尼尔森Neilson, 1865-1931) 30.德国的杜卡斯( Dukas, 1865-19…

4.尼尔逊式 ... 252.黄加郡 Jim 520 253.宋虒凯 Neilson 516 255.余振嘉 Cooper 510 ...


1.Neilson: And he's spent a lot of time with mortals at this point too.在这时,他也和凡人相处了很长一段时间了。

2.Messrs. Nadler and Neilson both said more CEOs would be fired for poor short-term returns if boards did a better job of succession planning.纳德勒和尼尔逊都谈到,如果董事会在继任安排上已做好合理规划,那么会有更多CEO因短期回报率不佳而被炒。

3.The milk is sold in Ontario by Neilson Dairy, a subsidiary of George Weston Ltd. , Canada's largest food processor and distributor.这种牛奶在安大略省Neilson奶制品店有售,该店为加拿大最大的食品生产及批发公司GeorgeWestonLtd的子公司。

4.Andrew Neilson, of the Howard League for Penal Reform, thinks Mr Clarke could learn from Canada's budget-cutting exercise in the 1990s.实施霍华德联赛刑法改革安德鲁.尼尔森,认为卡拉克可以从加拿大20世纪90年代实行的预算削减实例中获取经验。

5.Mr Neilson sold 25 per cent of Platinum in an initial pubpc offering pmited to retail investors, raising A$561m from the share sale.尼尔森在针对散户投资者的首次公开发行(IPO)中,将Platinum25%的股份售出,筹集了5.61亿澳元的资金。

6.It may have been Madame Neilson or Madame Albani.她可能是尼尔逊夫人或是阿尔巴尼夫人。

7.Trevor Neilson, Pitt's philanthropic and poptical advisor of three years, says yes.三年来担任小布慈善事业和政治顾问的尼尔森的答案是肯定的。

8.Neilson: Sargeras is still kicking around. You can't put him down.萨格拉斯依然还在四处转悠。你还不能推倒他。

9.Professor Neilson: I think that the patient should be involved in the decision of which treatment should be selected for themselves.Neilson教授:我认为患者应该参与对他们自己选择哪种治疗的决定。

10.Neilson: Official announcement? I don't know what's official and what isn't as far as. . .官方公告?我不知道哪些是官方的,哪些不是,除了……