



美式发音: [ˈnefju] 英式发音: [ˈnefjuː]






n.1.a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husbands or wifes brother or sister. Their daughter is called your niece.


2.外甥 nieces n. 侄女, 甥女 nephews n. 侄子, 外甥 bible n. 《圣经》 ...

3.侄孙子 ... 重孙子, grandsons 侄孙子nephews 外孙女儿, nieces on the maternal side ...

4.王小宝王小宝 (nephews) 7 photos 大妹 (old sisiter) 1 photos 祖父 (Grandpa) 4 photos 小妹 (little sister) 4 photos 中横清静 1 photos


1.She had a way of speaking about her children as if they were rather troublesome nephews on a prolonged visit.她讲起自己的孩子时,用的是一种特别的口气,仿佛他们是什么作客过久讨人嫌的外甥似的。

2.Mr Saleh is now backed by little more than the remnants of his ruling party and a trio of security agencies led by a son and two nephews.萨利赫先生现在的支持者只比他残余的执政党加上一个儿子两个侄子三人领导的安全机构略多些。

3.These men - these husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sons, uncles, nephews - they did not take on their jobs unaware of the perils.这些男人--他们是丈夫,是父亲,是祖父,是兄弟,是儿子,是叔叔,是舅舅,是侄子,他们并不是不知道干这活有危险。

4.He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London.他毒死了自己的妻子,篡夺原属于两个年轻侄儿的王位,还下令在伦敦塔中让他们窒息而死。

5."Remember this conversation, " I instructed my young nephews. "The last time people talked like this was before your granddad was born. "“记住这次谈话!”我教导年轻的侄儿们,“上次人们谈论这样的话题还是在你们的爷爷出生之前。”

6.Not long ago, one of my nephews got married. The best man planned a get-together for Joel, but with a refreshing difference.不久前,我的侄儿约珥结婚,他的伴郎为他办了一个与众不同的早餐聚会。

7.Ibrahim said the attack, the Saif Al Arab "is, and his parents, nephews, nieces and other visitors to chat, and play. "易卜拉欣说,遇袭时,赛义夫·阿拉伯“正和他的父母、侄子、侄女以及其他到访者聊天、玩耍”。

8.The security service believed responsible for much of the violence is run by his son and nephews.受到信任的国安单位负责处理大部分暴力冲突,由他的儿子和侄子掌控。

9.What he wanted was his home city, and a well-paying office job, where at 5 P. M. he'd be released to romp around with his young nephews.他想要的是回到家乡,找一份薪水高的办公室工作,傍晚五点的时候就能放松地和年轻的侄子们一同嬉闹。

10.Some of you might not be parents, but you may have nieces, nephews , grandchildren, or friends with children.但你可能会有侄子、侄女、孙女,或者你们的朋友有小孩。