


美式发音: 英式发音: ['nɜːvəsp]








1.紧张地 nervous 紧张 nervously 紧张地 nest 窝巢 ...

2.神经质地 神经质地 nervously 神经质的发抖 butterfpes in the stomach ...

3.紧张不安地 garment n. (一件)衣服;外套 nervously adv. 紧张不安地 hesitate vi. 踌躇;犹豫 ...

4.神经紧张地 ... name v. 命名,称呼,任命 nervously ad. 神经紧张地,不安地 nervousness n. 紧张 ...

5.紧张的 enough 足够的 充足的 nervously 紧张的 bathroom 浴室 ...


1.Looking nervously and irritably about him, he walked in as though he were afraid of everything in the great room he had entered.他一边走进房间,一边心神不宁地忿忿地四处张望,好像他害怕他走进的那一大间房中的一切似的。

2.He twists his hands nervously as he stumbles over letters, trying to make them add up to whole words.他一边紧张地搓着手,一边磕磕巴巴地拼读字母,试图将它们组成完整的单词。

3."Chemical analysis of the matter, Jim? " Adams asked, nervously spinning the chair in front of him.“对那物质进行化学分析了吗,吉姆?”亚当斯问,一边紧张地旋转着他面前的椅子。

4.Jack nervously moves away from her as Gaines orders him to wait for his contact.杰克惴惴不安地从她身旁走开了,盖恩斯命令他,等候他的联络人。

5.When Xiaoqiu was performing on the stage , Shiqi looked at her nervously , as if to fear that she would have a bad performance .小秋在台上表演的时候,世奇紧张地看着她,生怕她会演坏了似的。

6.He gave his acceptance speech on stage nervously after he reconfirmed his win and started weeping when he arrived backstage.确认是自己得奖后紧张的上台致词,到后台便激动落泪。

7.There was no sound save that of Gerhardt rocking nervously to and fro in the kitchen.那时除开葛哈德在厨房里摇椅上摇动不安的声音之外没有其他声息。

8.Down the corridor, Ted Heath was waiting less nervously in his own office, accompanied by his old friend, Lord Aldington.在走廊的另一头,爱德华·希思由他的老朋友奥尔丁顿陪着,静坐在自己的办公室里等着。

9.When he took a gun out everyone backs away nervously.他拿出枪来时,大家都紧张地向后退去。

10.moment the door closed, had begun to put on her clothes swiftly and nervously .门一关上,爱玲就开始迅速地,怯生生地穿衣裳。