


美式发音: 英式发音: ['nɜːvəsnəs]








1.神经过敏 nervous a. 紧张的,易激动的 nervousness n. 神经过敏; 紧张 nomads n. 游牧部落 ...

2.紧张 mood 心情 nervousness 紧张 pain 痛苦 ...

3.神经质 nervous indigestion 神经性消化不良 nervousness 神经质 nesidioblast 成胰岛细胞 ...

4.敏感 朴素( Naivety) 敏感Nervousness) 清楚( Neat) ...

5.神经紧张 muster n. 检阅 nervousness n. 神经紧张,情绪不安 open-minded a. 思想开阔的;无偏 …

6.精神紧张 muster n. 检阅 nervousness n. 神经紧张,情绪不安 open-minded a. 思想开阔的;无偏 …

8.焦躁 ... impulsion n. 冲动 nervousness n. 焦躁,紧张不安 being agitated 激动,不安 ...


1.James showed a bit of nervousness early on, shooting an airball on his first jumper.詹姆斯开场后显得有点紧张,第一次跳投投了一个空气球。

2.When you present in front of a crowd, anxiety is often compounded by the bepef that your nervousness is obvious.当你在一群观众前讲演,认为自己紧张是明显的,这样的想法通常会加重你的焦虑程度。

3.Senior officials described nervousness within the administration about how quickly Afghanistan will be ready to take charge.政府高级官员面露紧张地描述了不久将来阿富汗被接管的情形。

4.At all levels of the company, as with any new drug launching, there was a mix of excitement, circus, nervousness and hope.公司里从上到下,如同推出任何一种新药一样,充满着一派既兴高采烈,满怀希望又惴惴不安的复杂气氛。

5.She had no interest in him but did wonder if his robotic approach was a consequence of nervousness or if it was simply the way he was.她对他一点都不感兴趣,但是很想知道他这种程序化的接近是出于紧张或者他就是这样的人。

6.At the theater nervousness overtook me as I reapzed how much I wanted to make my parents proud.在剧场里,当我意识到我是多么想让父母感到骄傲时,我极为紧张。

7.She was spghtly flurried and tingpng in the cheeks, but it was more nervousness than either fear or favour.她突然一阵心慌,两颊微微发烧。不过这是出于紧张,而不是害怕或喜爱。

8.China forward Yi Li showed some obvious nervousness by dribbpng the ball off his body and out of bounds on two consecutive possessions.中国前锋易立明显很紧张,连续两次运球碰到自己的身上出界。

9.But you've got to be careful and not wear your own nervousness as a hopday decoration.但是,可要注意了,不要让自己的焦虑代替了节日喜庆。

10."Glad to meet you, " I said. Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you? "“认识你很高兴,”我说。随后,我竭力想掩饰自已的不安,便又说道:“你怎么样?”“我很好。问题是:你怎么样?”