




1.雀巢咖啡 金味 CAFE21 进口雀巢 NESCAFE 旧街场 OLD TOWN ...

3.雀巢果 Zentisth 增你智 Nescafe 雀巢果 Tom Lee 通利 ...

4.雀巣咖啡 (Seven Up) 七喜 (Nescafe) 雀巣咖啡 (Nestle) 雀巣 ...

5.雀巢咖啡系列 星巴克马克杯 mug 雀巢咖啡系列 Nescafe 其它咖啡品牌 other ...



1.And one day, he was sitting in a diner in White Plains, about to go trying to dream up some work for NescafE.有一天,他坐在白原市的一家小餐馆里,正准备要帮雀巢公司做一些工作。

2.Nescafe and Yinlu cooperative long-standing, Yinlu foundry production Nescafe ready-to-drink coffee products has been 6 years of history.雀巢和银鹭的合作由来已久,银鹭代工生产雀巢即饮咖啡产品已有6年历史。

3.This picture of a Nescafe branded building is from Venezuela's capital, Caracas , and must be among the largest inflatables in the world.这张照片的雀巢品牌的建设是从委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,必须最大的充气世界。

4.Rice and fried vegetable and lots of oil. So i had a simple nescafe coffee and hit the road with empty stomach.早餐是米饭和炒菜,比较油,我不太想吃,喝了一杯速溶咖啡就空腹上路了。

5.Instant coffee products such as Nescafe were popular decades ago in the United States and remain popular in parts of Europe and Asia.例如雀巢这些速溶咖啡产品在十多年前在美国很受欢迎,在欧洲和亚洲依然流行。

6.Yunnan supppes coffee beans to international brands, including Nescafe and Maxwell House.雀巢、麦斯威尔等国际知名品牌均是云南咖啡豆的供应客户。

7.Instant coffee giant Nescafe assured Chinese consumers Wednesday its coffee-mate is safe.速溶咖啡巨头雀巢公司周三向中国消费者保证,称其咖啡伴侣可以安全饮用。

8.And Nescafe joint venture, again in history to write under a thick and heavy in colours.与雀巢的合资,再次在历史上写下浓墨重彩的一笔。

9.The Nescafe maker now expects annual sales growth at its food and beverage business on that basis of about 5 percent.雀巢公司目前预计食品和饮料业务全年的销售额增长约为5%。

10.She drink Nescafe, a popular shop coffee here.她喝雀巢,这里很受欢迎的咖啡。