


美式发音: ['netbʊk] 英式发音: ['netbʊk]





1.上网本(尤用于上网和处理电子邮件的小型笔记本电脑)a small laptop computer, designed especially for using the Internet and email

1.上网本上网本Netbook)超级本系统用系统什么最好,不同的粉丝一直争论不休,有人说用LINUX 有人谈MAC。  微软也推出所谓的w…

2.小笔电在小笔电 (netbook) 等尺寸较小的笔电产品上,能够配备较大的多指手势触控板。

3.低价电脑低价电脑(netbook)所用的零组件是否和正常笔电不一样?网友手上的epc是不是有其它现象?以当初一万五购入,用加速折旧法来 …

4.低价小笔电从低价小笔电Netbook)到超低电压(CULV)笔电,宏碁、华硕一马当先,搭配广达、仁宝、纬创等国内NB代工厂的压倒性 …

5.手提电脑旧手提电脑(netbook)连上家中wifi,做vpn server。这样可行吗,因不想动到家中的wifi router setting,只在notebook做vpn设定…

6.低价上网本威盛是低价上网本(Netbook)市场的一大竞争者,但服务器市场一直是英特尔和AMD的地盘。  戴尔势必会向网站托管公司兜售这 …

7.上网笔记本目前深受欢迎的上网笔记本(Netbook)以及精简型 笔记本(streampned notebook)也通过ExpressCard 插槽为用户提供添加新功 …


1.Just as it redefined the MP3 player experience and reinvented the iPhone, Apple is going to pursue the netbook opportunity.正如苹果重新定义MP3播放器体验和颠覆传统手机打造出iPhone一样,它也在关注并寻求进入上网本市场。

2."There is so much hype around the netbook form factor, " she said, but that market "has not been proven in its longevity" .“大家都在谈论上网本”,她说,但这个市场“能否长久,尚未得到证明”。

3.Microsoft's customers and partners have made it clear that they want Windows on their Netbooks and Nettops, he said.他表示,微软的消费者与盟友清楚表达,希望他们使用的Netbook和Nettop灌有Windows。

4.The company did not offer a low-priced netbook, as some had expected, but analysts cheered the move.正如一些人所期望的,公司没有提供低价位的上网笔记本,但是分析家们为这项动作叫好。

5.And with the Wubi installer, you can install it risk-free and try it out on your netbook.并附带有Wubi安装程序,你可以无风险安装它,并在您的netbook中尝试使用。

6.The EeePC was the first ultra-cheap, scaled-down laptop (a new category known as a netbook) launched worldwide through commercial channels.EeePC是首款在全球范围内通过商业渠道推出的超低价、缩减版笔记本电脑(这一新类别被称之为netbook)。

7.'Netbook sales continue to grow as anticipated, and are clearly incremental volume for us in a difficult market, ' he said.他说,上网本销量如预期般继续增长,显然是我们在困难的市场环境下有望做大的市场。

8.The other major fanboy expectation was that, finally, Apple would enter (and, natch, dominate) the thriving netbook market.其他主要的苹果狂热粉丝的期望是这样的,最终,苹果能够进军(当然更要独占)繁荣的上网本市场。

9.I reapze I left netbooks out of this poll; if your answer would have been netbook, a vote for laptop would make sense.我意识到我把上网本遗漏了;如果你的答案是上网本的话,把它归类到便携式电脑比较合适。

10.He says the netbook is almost as fast as the MacBook for the word processing and Web surfing he uses it for.他说,上网本在处理文字和上网方面速度和MacBook差不多。