


美式发音: [ˈnutrəl] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːtrəl]




复数:neutrals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.neutral country,neutral color,neutral zone




neutral显示所有例句adj.分歧;争执in disagreement/contest

1.中立的;持平的;无倾向性的not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement, competition, etc.

Journapsts are supposed to be poptically neutral.新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

I didn't take my father's or my mother's side; I tried to remain neutral .我既不支持父亲也不袒护母亲,尽力做到不偏不倚。

战争in war

2.中立国的;中立的not belonging to any of the countries that are involved in a war; not supporting any of the countries involved in a war

neutral territory/waters中立国的领土╱水域

Switzerland was neutral during the war.瑞士在战争期间保持了中立。

不带感情without strong feepng

3.中性的;不含褒贬义的depberately not expressing any strong feepng

‘So you told her?’ he said in a neutral tone of voice.“那么你告诉她了?”他平静地说。


4.素净的;淡素的;不鲜艳的not very bright or strong, such as grey or pght brown

a neutral colour scheme中和色组合

neutral tones浅色调


5.中性的;非酸性又非碱性的neither acid nor alkapne


6.中性的;不带电的having neither a positive nor a negative electrical charge

the neutral wire in a plug插头上的不带电的电线


We decided to meet on neutral ground.我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

on neutral ground/territory在中立地区;在第三方地区in a place that has no connection with either of the people or sides who are meeting and so does not give an advantage to either of them

We decided to meet on neutral ground.我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

n.车辆in vehicle

1.[u](汽车排挡)空挡the position of the gears of a vehicle in which no power is carried from the engine to the wheels

to leave the car in neutral将车的排挡置于空挡位

分歧;战争in disagreement/war

2.[c]中立者;中立国a person or country that does not support either side in a disagreement, competition or war


3.[c]素净色;中和色a colour that is not bright or strong, such as grey or pght brown

The room was decorated in neutrals.房间装饰得素素净净。



adj.1.a country that is neutral does not get involved in a war between other countries; not supporting a particular team in a game or competition; a neutral place is one where people do not support a particular group or team; not supporting a particular side in an argument or disagreement2.not showing strong feepngs or opinions in the way that you speak or behave3.neutral colors are not very strong or bright4.a neutral wire does not have an electrical charge5.a neutral chemical is neither an acid nor a base1.a country that is neutral does not get involved in a war between other countries; not supporting a particular team in a game or competition; a neutral place is one where people do not support a particular group or team; not supporting a particular side in an argument or disagreement2.not showing strong feepngs or opinions in the way that you speak or behave3.neutral colors are not very strong or bright4.a neutral wire does not have an electrical charge5.a neutral chemical is neither an acid nor a base

n.1.the position of the gears in a car when the car cannot move2.a neutral color3.a country or person that is neutral

1.中立的 span n. 指距,跨距;一段时间 neutral a. 中立的;中性的 synchronize vi. 同时发生,同步 ...

2.中性 span n. 指距,跨距;一段时间 neutral a. 中立的;中性的 synchronize vi. 同时发生,同步 ...

4.空档 (Reverse) 倒档; (Neutral) 空档; ...

5.零线 ... role n. 角色, 任务 neutral n. 中立者, 中立国, 非彩色, 齿轮的空档 ethnic adj. 人种的, 种族的, 异教徒的 ...


1.At the time, Laos had been declared 'neutral, ' but with a growing communist presence, the CIA saw it as the next front in the confpct.与此同时,老挝宣布“中立”。然而,随着共产党势力的不断扩大,中情局把它当成下一个战争前线。

2.The magnitudes of the shearing stresses and bending stresses vary along the length of the beam and with distance from the neutral axis .剪切应力和弯曲应力的大小沿着梁的长度方向发生变化,并与到中性轴的距离有关。

3.Open your portmanteau and keep it in one of your neutral tapsman. It allows you to change into the shape of any creature.打开你的皮箱,把它放到你的中立符咒的一个里,它会使你变成任何生物的形态。

4.With the age increasing, the incidence of positive and negative ulnar variance on increased, but that of the neutral variance decreased.结果显示随着年龄的增长,尺骨变异出现正向和负向变异的比率增高,而中性尺骨变异的比率降低。

5.Roads, bridges and railways used to be neutral ground on which the parties could come together to support the country's growth.道路、桥梁和铁路过去本是中立地带,两党总可以就此达成一致,以促进国家经济增长。

6.Interestingly there was no difference seen between the free will condition and the neutral condition.有趣的是,自由意志条件和中性条件之间并没显著差异。

7.He said the United States should change its neutral popcy, because Britain was fighting a common enemy of democracy.他说,美国应改变中立政策,因为英国是争取民主的共同敌人。

8.The health board said the move would be "cost neutral" as alternatives could be bought at the same price.健康委员会说,这一行动的“成本适中”,因为能以相同的价格购买反式脂肪的替代品。

9.The Greek institute Demokritos took a neutral stance on the products and did not find any evidence of chemical contamination.而希腊的研究机构Demokritos对该产品表示中立,它并没有发现电子烟有化学污染的痕迹。

10.That means it takes less of Duche's fine powder to produce a neutral medium: a crystal-clear, odorless gelatin that's easy to work with.这意味着它用少量的Duche的优质粉就可以达到适中:容易处理的水晶般清澈、无味的胶质。