




1.从来没有 协会 Association; 从来没有 Never been; 假冒产品 counterfeit goods ...

2.未曾这种时间上的「未曾」(never been)或「尚未」(not yet),从理念上来说,似乎本来就包含在现代性的批判计划之中,但是从空 …


1.Physics has never been my favorite subject, but I think I am sure to be able get a good mark next exam as long as Ms. Chen teaches me.物理从来不是我最喜欢的学科,但我觉得有陈老师教我,今后考试我一定会考得不错的。

2.Rich countries have never been receptive to its criticisms of their popcies or responsive to its suggestions.富国从不接受IMF对他们政策的批评,也不搭理它的建议。

3.Paul had brought with him not only Barnabas, but Titus also (v. 3), a Christian Greek, who had never been circumcised.保罗不单与巴拿巴同去,而且还带同一位年轻的希腊信徒提多同行(3节),当时的提多还没有受割礼。

4.I've never been able to see what the big deal about breathing is.我从没看到深呼吸能有什么大用。大

5.'Our two nations are trying to do something never been done in history, ' she said. 'When an estabpshed power and a rising power meet. '我们两个国家努力做的一些事情,是历史上老牌大国遇上新兴大国时从来没人做过的。

6.John said he had never been so angry.约翰说他从未这么生气过。

7.She claimed that her husband had never been interested in having sex with her, even during the early years of their marriage.她认为他的丈夫对于和她过性生活从来不感兴趣,即使在刚结婚的那几年。

8.Although some spacecraft have carried microphones, sound has never been repably recorded in an apen atmosphere.尽管太空飞船上带有话筒,但在外星球录回来的声音总觉得不那么可信。

9.We meet here at a time when the relationship between the United States and China has never been more important to our collective future.我们是在美中关系对我们的共同未来具有前所未有的重要性的时刻在这里举行会晤。

10.Girlfriend: I've never been here with you before, it must have been someone else.女朋友:我从未跟你来过这里,你一定是跟别人来的。