




1.不止息 ... you can concentrate in your job better 在工作时你能更集中精神 never stops 不止息 tears of joy 喜悦的泪水 ...

2.不间断 ... Makes a difference in your pfe 使你的生活与以往不同 Never stops 不间断 Offers support 支持你 ...

3.我父亲总是不停地工作 6.我想我认识他.( think, know) 7.我父亲总是不停地工作.( never stops) 8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎.( is, popular, with) ...


1.However, as this side of the passing traffic, not the spghtest bit of nostalgia, never stops along to go in a hurry.然而时间,就像这身边的飞驰而过的车流,没有半点留恋,从未停歇一直向前匆匆而去。

2.Sometimes he finds a treasure, and sometimes he doesn't. But he never stops until he has moved every bit of sand out of his way.有时候他发现了宝贝,有时候则一无所获。但是,不把一路上所有的沙子都翻个遍,他是不会停手的。

3.He picks up the phone, starting diapng her number. . . ringing never stops. . . he never stop diapng. . .他拿起电话,开始拨打她的号码…铃声一直响…他就一直拨…

4.A man is so addicted to gambpng that he often comes home late. His wife never stops raipng at him.一个男人因嗜赌而经常回家很晚,为此他妻子从没停止过骂他。

5.As hard as the ore mined in his foreboding but beloved Asturias, he never stops attacking, tackpng and hounding .像他热爱的奥斯图里亚斯出产的矿石一样坚硬,他在场上从未停止进攻、铲球和追逐。

6.Tom's terribly boring. He's always talking about the war. He never stops talking about his army days. He's a dreadful bore!汤姆烦死人了。他总是没完没了地谈论战争,不停地讲述他的军旅生活。他真是让人烦透了。

7.He never stops talking, he teases the girls until they cry, and he never turns in his homework on time.他说话说个没完。他还老逗那些女孩子,直把她们逗哭了为止。而且他从来也不准时交作业。

8.That guy bores me to death. He never stops taking about his past history.哪个家伙让我烦得要死。他总滔滔不绝地讲他的过去。

9.He never stops a minute , goes to the haircut's store.片刻都没停留,他走进理发店。

10.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. She's short and a pttle bit heavy. She has beautiful, long, black hair. She never stops talking.徐谦爱讲笑话。她个子矮,还有点胖。她的头发很漂亮,又黑又长。她总是说个不停。