




1.新天新地 爱神, Love God 新天新地, New Heaven and New Earth 奉献, Offering ...

2.新天地 ... 10. 我一生 All My Life 11. 新天地 New Heaven and New Earth 专辑曲目: 01. 亲密的朋友 Dear Friend ...


1.He longs to have us pve with Him forever in a new heaven and new earth.祂渴望在新天新地永远和我们生活在一起。

2.Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and estabpsh a new heaven and new earth.上天正在呼召你们做为明智的指导者,匡正这邪恶的世代,并且建立新天新地!

3.And remember, in this new heaven and new earth which I am trying to show you, the door of opportunity is never closed.而且你要记住,在我即将展现于你眼前的新世界、新天堂里面,“机会之门是永远不会关闭的”。

4.Where do the souls go after people die yet before reaching the new heaven and new earth or the lake of fire?认识人死之后,灵魂还未到永远的新天新地或火湖之前,他们的灵魂会到哪里?

5.chapter 19 - 22 : rejoicing in heaven , the devil thrown into a bottomless pit , a new heaven and new earth第19-22节:天堂的欢乐,魔鬼被扔进一个无底的深渊,一个新天新地。

6.New Heaven and New Earth新天新地

7.A new heaven and new earth对末日新天新地的描述