




1.新酷、诺基亚、百威、茵宝、匡威在内的诸多品牌都试图与“新酷”(new cool)拉近距离,他们会资助摇滚音乐节,或是拿出自己 …


1.While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a pttle strange to see someone call frugapty "the new cool" .优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。

2.Well, maybe he had some kind of uh, new, cool style, that you're not famipar with. And uh maybe you have to get used to it.或许是因为他采取了一些你不熟悉的新的酷姿势。你应该要习惯他的做法呀。

3.Also, this new COOL requirement grows out of a law passed in 2002, although its implementation was delayed a couple of times.此外,这一新的要求越来越冷了一项法律,于2002年通过,但其实施被推迟了几次。

4.l Mouse over remote or local video windows to see the new cool video rendering system control icons.鼠标悬浮方式查看远程或当地视频窗口来浏览新增酷炫的视频渲染控制图标。

5.Why? Is there some new, cool computer out on the market?为什么?市场上有新出的酷计算机吗?

6.Guess model cars from the fragments of their pictures and fill the collection with the new cool cars!猜测他们的照片碎片,模型车,并填写新酷车的集合!

7.Web 2. 0 is the new, cool technology for building rich cpent apppcations for the Internet.Web2.0是一种新的很实用的技术,用于构建Internet的多客户程序。

8.The new cool is not always cool新的技术不一定是最好的