




1.个新国家 531 New Countries 531个新国家 35 New trade goods 35种新贸易商品 ...

2.新兴国家3.new countries而另一方面,新兴国家new countries)却更为迫切地通过人为手段来加快工业人口的增加。新兴国家的这种 …


1.The device has since been rolled out in several new countries and seems to be a hit with consumers everywhere.自此,iPad开始在其他国家进行推广,并且看上去吸引了各地的消费人群。

2.Similarly, it shall apply, in the case of the accession of new countries, to patents in existence on either side at the time of accession.在有新国家加入的情况下,本规定应同样适用于加入时各方面已经存在的专利。

3.But the seismic shocks shattered the Soviet Union, bringing freedom, or at least the chance of it, to 15 new countries.但这场地震的冲击波震垮了苏联,带来自由,对15个新的国家而言它至少是带来了自由的机会。

4.But if the formation of new countries can be achieved peacefully, it is usually a cause for celebration.然而,如果新国家可以和平地成立,那通常值得庆贺之事。

5.Just think about how interesting it can be to visit new countries and exotic places, while working just a few hours per day.只要想想有趣,可以访问新的国家和异国情调的地方,而工作只是每天几个小时。

6.Players with high adaptabipty are less pkely to get homesick as they are better able to adjust to new countries and cultures.拥有较高适应性的球员更容易融入新球队,新国家以及其文化,他们也不会想家而影响状态。

7.Currently, only the war leader can call in new countries to the war, however countries with vassals have this restriction pfted.目前,只有在战争的领导者,可致电新的国家战争,但是国家的附庸这种限制取消。

8.More commodity agreements therefore need to be concluded, but in a new spirit, with the primary intention of helping the new countries.因而,很多有关商品的协议需要缔结,但要以新的精神,本着帮助新兴国家的首要目的来修改。

9.Where are we going to see borders change and new countries born?我们会在哪些地方看到边界线的改变以及新国家的诞生?

10.In just a few months 10 new countries, many of which have won their freedom from the old Soviet bloc, will join.仅数月后,10个新成员国将加入欧盟,其中多个国家是从前苏联集团赢得自由的。