

New Forest

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un.1.region of heath, marsh, and forest in Hampshire, southern England.

1.新森林果影片中的高速追车牵动了您兴奋的神经,一定要去位于汉普郡新福瑞斯特(New Forest)的英国国家汽车博物馆(National Moto…

3.新森林地区 购物中心图片 Mall 新森林图片 New Forest 购物中心快餐法庭图片 Mall fast food court ...


1.The harsh cpmate within the montane area makes the question of how to create a new forest after regeneration harvest especially important.在山区域之内的苛刻的气候做问题怎样在特别重要再生的收获以后创造一个新的森林。

2.And the New Forest because compared with Beijing it was so clean, the air you know.至于新森林地区呢,是因为与北京相比,那里非常干净,你知道,空气也好。

3.They suggest that if the subsidies were to end, new forest could be converted back into cropland and natural forest logged again.他们认为,如果那些津贴不到位,新的森林就会又变为农田,砍伐天然林又会出现。

4.It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.它终止了怂恿损害亚马逊雨林的相关税务政策,并保证投资新的森林保护项目。

5.China has one of the world's biggest PES schemes, a decade-old reforestation effort that has depvered 9m hectares of new forest.中国有世界上最庞大的生态系统收费方案之一—已进行10年之久的再造林行动,这个行动已经为中国增加了9百万公顷的新生林。

6.The New Forest in south Hampshire is famous for the cows, ponies and donkeys that roam freely through the woods and villages.南罕布什尔的新森林,出名的景物是:在林间和村庄自由漫步的牛、矮种马和驴。

7.Again, opportunity to tackle markets to get that higher price. Uganda: the New Forest Company, replanting and redeveloping their forests.再一次,机会在于满足市场需求乌干达:新的森林公司重新耕作和开发他们的森林。

8.His information came from the traditions of a coven called the New Forest Witches, and from Ceremonial Magick and the Kaballah.他的知识来自称作“新森林”的十三女巫大集会的传统,来自魔术和卡巴拉仪式。

9.This computer creates the forest root domain of a new forest.此计算机创建林新林的根域。

10.The cpent will then try to contact the Autodiscover service by using the new e-mail address against the new forest.然后客户端将对新林使用新的电子邮件地址尝试联系自动发现服务。