




1.崭新的心 【My Girl】【 我的女孩】 【New Heart】【 崭新的心】 【On air】【 真爱】 ...

2.新心情,直到当兵时才惊传分手,他退伍复出接演首部韩剧《新心》(New Heart),受到观众热烈欢迎,收视率逼近30%,前晚(2 …

3.医疗先锋 益智游戏2 CHANGE 医疗先锋/ New Heart 从前在 Saengchori ...

4.赤子之心 ... 2008:Iljimae 一枝梅 2008:New Heart 赤子之心 2009:Sassy Girl,Chun-Hyang 豪杰春香 ...

5.崭新的新时进入决选的还有李准基(一枝梅)、金来沅(食客)、池城(New Heart)和金智石(爱也好,恨也好)这些年轻的人气偶像。而MNE…

8.恩京 导演:陈赫 (灿烂的遗产/检察官公主) 编剧:黄恩京 (New heart)演员:李敏镐 朴敏英 李俊赫 金相中 具荷拉集数:16集 接档…


1.If you want to be in a saving relationship with God, you will have to begin again and let God give you a new heart and a new pfe.尼哥底母,你必须重新开始,让神赐你一颗新心和新的生命,你才能得救,与神建立关系。

2.With characteristic good humor, Robert Tools shows off the benefits of his new heart after pioneering surgery in July.七月份接受了先进的外科手术后,罗伯特·图尔斯用自己独有的幽默感宣扬新心脏的益处。

3.If you want to be in a close, saving relationship with God, you will have to begin again. Let God give you a new heart and pfe.你如果想与神建立亲密和救赎的关系,你就要重生,让神赐你新心和新生。

4.Thankfully God is the best heart doctor. He promises a "new heart" to all who come to him in faith ( Ezekiel 36: 26).幸而神是最佳的心脏医师,凡凭信心到祂那里的,祂便应许他们一颗「新心」(以西结书36:26)。

5.Let's hope that Google+ hurdles past the point where Facebook Connect retreated from and becomes the new heart of social network sharing.让我们共同期待Google+迈过这个曾经让FacebookConnect却而止步的历史点,一举成为社交网络分享的新地标。

6.As you read this, nearly 80, 000 Americans are waiting for a new heart, kidney or some other organ that could save their pfe.就在你读这篇短文的时候,大约有八万美国人正等着可以救命的心脏、肾脏或其他器官。

7."Regeneration" means that the Holy Spirit comes INTO my heart, and gives me a NEW heart.“重生”的意思是﹕圣灵进入我的心中,赐给我一个新的心。

8.It is important, then, that the new heart has a similar tissue makeup to the heart patient's.那么,新心脏和心脏病患者的心脏组成相似,这一点很重要。

9.Hearing a psychiatrist comment on mercury toxicity is pke seeking the opinion of a urologist fo ra new heart procedure.听一位精神病医生评论汞的毒性,像对一位泌尿科医生寻求对新的心脏疗法的看法。

10.Many of you are now feepng the aches and pains associated with your new heart, thymus, diaphragm, and head chakras.你们中的好多人现在感到疼痛,以及心脏,胸部,隔膜的相关的疼痛。头部脉轮的变化。