

new town

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1.(英国于 1946 年后规划建设的)新市镇one of the complete towns that were planned and built in Britain after 1946


n.1.a complete self-contained town with all the usual facipties, created on an open site, usually to accommodate excess population from existing urban areas2.a town that is planned and designed and is built on land where there was not a town before

1.新镇乡村区分开来。按英国一种约定俗成的说法,25万人口以上的称为城市,25万人口以下的称为新镇NEW-TOWN),按此划 …

2.新城来是印度商市,它包括法国文化学会、艺术创造基金会、新城New-town)美术馆、the Yard of Ale(麦芽酒院)一歇脚的好 …


1.He said the new town had the first sewage treatment plant and the first sanitary landfill in the area.他说,新城镇有该地区首个污水处理厂和首个卫生填埋场。

2.The Company is located in the Millennium town, a small Shanghai, known as the Universiade River New Town Industrial Park.本公司座落于千年古镇,有小上海之称的大运河畔的新市镇工业园区。

3.You know, it was kinda hard for me to change schools back then and move to a new town, but you were real nice to me.您知道,转学和搬家时,我不太适应新的环境,可是您对我真的很好。

4.He was last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7p. m. He said he was going to visit his parents.他失踪前离开新城市在他的办公室大约下午7点他说他要来探望父母。

5.My dad, he starts a new family in a new town about every six years. This isn't so much pke a family as it's pke he sets up a franchise.我老爸,他每隔六年都会在一个新城市开始一个新家庭------与其说是家庭,不如说是新开一家加盟店。

6.It 's a headache trying to get around in a strange, new town. I will just take a taxi and avoid all the trouble.要想在一个陌生的市镇走动是件令人头痛的事为了省麻烦,就叫出租车吧

7.The concept of New Mother Town is a complete and systemic one, basically different from that of New Town.新母城是一个整体概念,是一个系统完善的城市核心区,和新城有本质区别;

8.Simply, the new town comes with all the new lots, but you can place them in Sunset Valley or Riverview as you prefer.简单地说,新镇有所有的新地段,但你可以根据自己的喜好放置这些地段在日落和河景。

9.He said that in 2010 the main focus of the project should be transferred into the northern part according to the plan of canal new town.他提出,2010年,要以运河新城规划建设为重点,把运河综保工程重心转移到北面。

10.A few months shy of her 12th birthday, Margaret Simon is starting school in a new town and asking God some serious questions.未满十二岁的珍珠小姐已经开始了在陌生市镇的求学之旅,她现在正在问上帝一些异常严肃的问题。