


美式发音: [ˈnuˌbɔrn] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːˌbɔː(r)n]



复数:newborns  同义词反义词






1.新生的;初生的recently born

a newborn baby新生儿


adj.1.recently born2.something that is newborn has only existed for a short time

n.1.a baby who has just been born

1.新生儿 纱布类 organic muspn 新生儿 Newborn 0-2岁婴儿 Infant ...

2.新生的 neurologically 神经系统方面地 newborn 新生的 optimist 乐观的人 ...

3.婴儿 new 新的 newborn 婴儿 newcomer 新来者 ...

4.初生 20. 我的祈祷 My Prayer 21. 初生 Newborn 22. 女体操员 Female Gymnast ...

5.初生的 neither adv. 也不 newborn adj. 新生的,初生的 nod v. 点头 ...

6.新生儿期 三角哈衣 bodysuits 新生儿套装 NewBorn Armani 阿玛尼 ...


1.David posted a picture of his wife and newborn on Facebook, with the caption, "I took this picture of my two girls sleeping. "大卫在Facebook上发了一张老婆维多利亚和新宝宝的照片,备注上写着“我的两个女人的睡颜。”

2.It is certainly not easy to choose a name for your newborn baby, but several celebrities have broadened the name choosing horizon lately.帮新生的孩子取名的确不容易,不过最近有几位名人扩大了命名的范围。

3.Over the next 48 hours I beamed with pride at my newborn child who fed constantly and slept well, although I couldn't seem to sleep myself.接下来的48小时里,我面带微笑,为我新生的宝宝而自豪,不断的喂她。她睡得很好,我却睡不着。

4.Come to think of it, if you slept polyphasically, it would be much easier to care for a newborn baby, since you'd be awake at night anyway.其实换个角度考虑,当你有一个新生婴儿的时候,可能多相睡眠可能更适合于你。以便你能更好的照顾你的孩子。

5.Suddenly, one of the attendant dolphins pushed a spppery newborn dolphin to the surface and it puffed its first breath.突然,其中一条在旁伴随的海豚把一条初生光滑的海豚推出水面让其呼吸第一口气。

6.The child did not belong to any risk group and thus did not receive BCG vaccination as a newborn.孩子不属于任何危险群,因此没有收到接种卡介苗作为一个新生。

7.The total length of the intestines of a newborn baby equals eight times his body length.新生儿肠道的总长度是身长的倍。

8.Do not say, "It is morning, " and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.不要说:“这是早晨”,并用“昨天”的名字把它打发掉。初次见面就把它当作还没有名字的新生儿吧。

9.Newborn care is often lacking in poor countries, particularly in hard to reach communities.在贫穷国家,新生儿保健工作往往不为人所重视,尤其是在难以到达的社区。

10.The Apgar is a test which rates the newborn's health on a scale of one to ten and how much medical attention the child needs.阿普加评分是用来评估新生儿健康水平的测试,根据婴儿需要医疗看护的程度,阿普加评估的分数在1分到10分之间。