




1.新大陆何箝制当时人们对於婚姻及爱情的观念,并分析剧中主角纽蓝 (Newland) 在拜金的社会中如何被物化及排斥,而陷入爱情与 …

5.纽兰贸易有限责任公司重庆纽兰贸易有限责任公司Newland)是一家专营音响设备,乐器以及配件的专业化公司,本公司秉着诚信经营,为顾客提供 …

6.纽蓝德在小小的星球纽蓝德NewLand)上,被最强大帝国的当权者放逐,在困境中不断奋战。“一切的不公与悲剧都是由神带来。神 …


1."I wish you would go with me, Newland, " his mother said, suddenly pausing at the door of the Brown coupe.“希望你跟我一起去,纽兰,”母亲在布朗马车的门前突然停步说。

2.Oh, but I love it here, Papa; you know I do. If only Newland could stay I should pke it a thousand times better than New York.哎,可我喜欢这里的生活,爸爸,你知道我喜欢。如果纽兰能留下来,那我喜欢这儿胜过纽约一千倍。

3.Newland Archer had been aware of these things even since he could remember, and had accepted them as part of the structure of his universe.纽兰·阿切尔从记事起就明白这些事情,并把它们作为他的世界的组成部分接受下来。

4.At that, as if it had been the signal he waited for, Newland Archer got up slowly and walked back alone to his hotel.这时,纽兰·阿切尔像见到了等候的信号似的,慢慢站起身来,一个人朝旅馆的方向走了回去。

5.Newland Archer, during this brief episode, had been thrown into a strange state of embarrassment.在这个短暂的插曲中间,纽兰·阿切尔陷入一种奇怪的尴尬境地。

6.When Newland Archer opened the door at the back of the club box the curtain had just gone up on the garden scene.当纽兰·阿切尔打开包厢后面的门时,花园一场的帷幕刚刚升起。这位年轻人本可以早一点来到。

7.Newland said the United States does not intend to pay to be allocated later this month, 60 milpon dollars.纽兰说,美国不打算支付应于本月晚些时候划拨的6000万美元资金。

8.and his mother added: "Newland, dear, I've noticed lately that you've been coughing; I do hope you're not letting yourself be overworked? "他母亲补充道:“亲爱的纽兰,最近我注意到你老是咳嗽,我希望你不是劳累过度了吧?”

9.Newland Archer, as became a young man of his position, strolled in somewhat late.纽兰·阿切尔到达稍微晚了一点,这符合他这样的年轻人的身份。

10.and in that instant Newland Archer rejected the general verdict on her looks.就在这一瞬间,纽兰·阿切尔否定了有关她的容貌的普遍看法。