


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=National Guard)国民警卫队

网络释义:淋球菌(Neisseria gonorrhoeae);吴;未提及(Not Given)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=National Guard)国民警卫队2.(=no good; not good)不行3.〈旧〉(=New Granada)新格拉那达

abbr.1.<AmE>(=National Guard)2.(=no good; not good)3.<dated>(=New Granada)

1.淋球菌(Neisseria gonorrhoeae) ieg 揖 ng uê 秽 ...

3.未提及(Not Given) NG 五 NG NG 吴 ...


1.Mr. Nayar is famipar with Mr. Ng's work, but he said he had not seen anything Lytro has done in more than a year.Nayar对Ng的工作非常熟悉,但是他说他已经有一年多没有看Lytro做的东西了。

2.Ng said the company would not be changing its approach towards China when it comes to Internet search.他说,在互联网搜索方面,公司不会改变针对中国的方法。

3.Chan gave only a brief statement, saying that if Elaine Ng Yi-lei's child turned out to be his, he would act responsibly.成龙只是发表了简短声明,说倘若吴绮莉怀有自己骨肉,他会负责任。

4.Because costars did not make arrangements beforehand, we burst out laughing in ad pb of a partner, and made NG a lot.因为合演时没有事先预演排练,我们和夥伴们会在表演时突然笑出来,也搞出了很多NG。

5.Mr. Ng: Don't you think it might be an idea to have a microwave oven? Our colleagues can prepare a pght meal for lunch if they wish.吴老师:大家会否觉得购置一部微波炉是个好主意,方便同事有需要时弄一个简单的午餐。

6.CEO Ng says it's much easier launching a camera company today than it would have been just a few years ago.公司CEO吴义仁表示,与几年前相比,现在成立一家相机公司要容易得多。

7.RELAX NG makes it easy to add such annotations because any element in a foreign namespace can be placed anywhere in a definition .RELAXNG中增加这类注解非常容易,因为外部名称空间中的任何元素可以放在定义中的任何地方。

8.Mr Ng said that the cost-plus-plus payment to the owners, then buy "super - high - level" has not been a lot of benefits.吴先生讲,加上制作加层的费用也要由业主支付,则买“超高层高”并未得到很多实惠。

9."If I knew [Du Jun] was over the wall, I would inform him he cannot trade, " Ms Ng said.Ng表示:“如果我知道(杜军)已经越墙,我会告诉他,他不能交易。”

10.Should an XML route be taken, RELAX NG seems the best bet, as it is readily converted to the other two, and easier to understand.如果采用XML路线,RELAXNG似乎最好,而且能够转化成其他两种,并且很容易理解。